OPERATION PAPERCLIP – Bringing Nazis to America

General Loucks’s secret Saturday roundtable at his house in Heidelberg with the Nazi chemists remained hidden from the public for six decades. Here was a U.S. Army brigadier general doing business with a former brigadier general of the Third Reich, allegedly in the interests of the United States. It was a black program that was paid for by the US Army but did not officially exist. There were no checks and no balances. Operation Paperclip was becoming a headless monster.  ~Annie Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America

Even before World War Two ended Nazi scientists were being secretly ensconced within American society. Many were war criminals, hidden by the US government.  Those scientists began to harness the astonishing capital and productivity of the United States, which has transformed America into the world’s greatest superpower, ever!  Understanding World War Two is incomplete without truly comprehending the extent to which German ingenuity was the foundation of the world’s most advanced technological developments we see today. Transferring that Nazi know-how to America was the biggest coup in American history–that we know of. The vehicle was Operation Paperclip, and money, of course.

Despite being a smaller nation than France, Russia and the US, Germany led the world during World War One in technological development.  Once World War Two began it became apparent that German technology, as applied to submarines, aircraft and metallurgy, war industries’ tech was much more sophisticated than that of her wartime enemies.  This allowed the Nazis to gain the upper hand during the war years of 1939 to 1941.  In addition Germany had “wonder weapons”; technology that was literally out-of-this-world, appearing to be “from the future”.  Life magazine featured an amazing story, published 75 years ago.  German scientists, it said, had been working on placing a giant mirror in space. The mirror would reflect the Sun’s rays to the surface below, able to start wide-spread fires or incinerate cities.  

The Nazis had engineered their most secret Die Glocke or Nazi Bell at a hidden weapons facility and “think tank” in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia (near Prague) under the direction of SS-Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler. The Bell is a gravity defying, heavy particle accelerator that can be used as an artificial neutron power source.  Nikola Tesla believed that some of his advanced technological developments were stolen and secretly passed on to the Nazis. If true, the resulting Bell is most likely one of them.  According to SS Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, he and Lt. General Reinhard Gehlen, had been on the Navy shipyard of the first Philadelphia Experiment in 1940, and stole one of Tesla’s Gravity Motors. Skorzeny showed the photos to journalist Eric Berman. (More in future reports.)

The development of the atomic bomb was a transcendent moment in the history of the relationship between government and science. The atomic bomb revealed the practical potential of theoretical science, or what could emerge when theory is transformed directly into functional technology.  Furthermore, it demonstrated what could be accomplished when the government supported large-scale scientific research and development with significant funding. The combination of these factors established a new pattern of relations between science, business and government. Under Operation Paperclip, Nazi scientists, physicians and engineers capitalized on a pre-existing underlying American ideology.  The US government and elite American families of banking and industry supported Operation Paperclip out of a belief that big business and the government should work together for technical and scientific advancement.  

Certain key American businessmen and politicians were Nazi sympathyzers. There were enough key Americans in high positions of power and wealth that shared the Nazi ideals which helped bring the Nazis to power.  These Americans believed they needed Nazi scientists to further their lofty goals and fill their pockets.  The historian Gaetano Salvemini, compelled to leave Mussolini’s Italy due to death threats, later said “almost 100% of American big business is sympathetic towards Mussolini and Hitler’s dictatorships”.  One of the hallmarks of state capitalism is generating money through the business of war, as seen through the decades with Western governments providing billions of dollars worth of weaponry for, what we now see, never-ending wars.

At the beginning of Hitler’s rule US bankers and business men flew to Nazi Germany to confirm their support.  Men such as W. Averell Harriman, a banker and businessman who would become US ambassador to the USSR, and Winthrop Aldrich, scion of a prominent and powerful political family and chairman of Wall Street’s Chase National Bank.  Aldrich met Hitler in the autumn of 1933, as did Henry Mann of the National City Bank.  Aldrich and Mann subsequently told William Dodd (US ambassador to Germany, 1933-37) that they were willing to “work with him [Hitler]”.  Dodd revealed to the media that US “industrialists are working closely with the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy… I have had plenty of opportunity, in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime”.  Standard Oil, owned by the Rockefeller family, sent $2 million to the Nazis in December 1933, of which Ambassador William Dodd informed president Roosevelt.  Dodd also wrote to Roosevelt that Standard Oil “has made $500,000 a year since helping the Germans make ersatz gas for war purposes”. 

Some of America’s largest corporations had investments in Germany by the early 1930s, such as DuPont, General Electric, Gillette, Ford, IBM, Nestle, Coca-Cola and Eastman Kodak.  In the following years many of these companies’ profits would grow substantially.  The dismantling of the German trade unions and labour policies enabled many US companies linked to the Reich to reduce their labour costs and increase their profits. Standard Oil, along with other major US firms like DuPont, was working with IG Farben, the massive German chemical corporation.  No less than 53 American companies had connections to IG Farben alone.  IG Farben was firmly incriminated in slave labour and the Holocaust, having provided the Nazis with the infamous Zyklon B poison gas.  In 1938, Standard Oil presented IG Farben with the patents and complete technical details to produce butyl rubber, a superior type of synthetic rubber made from petroleum. John D. Rockefeller even made an agreement with IG Farben not to use his own patented formula to manufacture this synthetic rubber for the American war effort!

Henry Ford himself was providing funds to the Nazi Party since the 1920s, when it was a miniscule political organization. Hitler even kept a life-size portrait of Ford above his desk in Munich, and in 1931 the Nazi leader told a Detroit news reporter, “I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration”.  Each year Ford also sent money to Hitler personally on his birthday through Swiss banks, “between around 10,000 to 20,000 Reichsmarks annually”.  These payments to Hitler continued until 1944, more than two years after the German declaration of war on America.  The Rockefellers were, of course, longtime Nazi collaborators and intimately connected to the US government through the banking, oil, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.  Nazism was far more than just a political party.

Six days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, on December 13, 1941, President Roosevelt issued a secret decree granting special authorization so that certain US corporations could continue their business ventures with enemy nations, and with neutral countries on good terms with hostile states. This was a violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act.  Roosevelt was reliant on many of these same corporations so he was careful to appease the heads of these companies.  The American public had little idea of course that famous American companies, like Standard Oil, GM, Ford and IBM were making deals with the enemy.  ITT, already involved through a German subsidiary, C. Lorenz AG, in producing Luftwaffe aircraft with Focke-Wulf, was supplying high quality communications equipment to the Nazis, in conjunction with IBM.  This assisted in the synchronised Blitzkrieg warfare, decisive to the Nazis quickly defeating Poland, France, the Low Countries and capturing parts of the western USSR.  IBM had already created the Tabulator that Hitler used for Germany’s 1933 Census, which subsequently identified the “unwashed” for round ups.  It was also used in the “inventory” of prison camp internees.  The numbers generated by the Tabulator were then tattooed on the prisoners’ wrist.

Hitler’s views had drawn approval from leading industrialists like John D. Rockefeller, Irénée DuPont and Andrew Carnegie, all proponents of racial superiority and fervent anti-Semites.  Ford’s writings not only influenced Hitler but other Nazis like Baldur von Schirach, future head of the Hitler Youth.  At the Nuremberg trials von Schirach said he had read Ford’s book “and became anti-Semitic… in those days this book made such a deep impression on my friends and myself because we saw in Henry Ford the representative of success.”  These US industrialists were by no means alone in the support of the Nazi’s and their ideology.

J. Edgar Hoover formed the FBI in 1924, without whose help the Nazi war criminals could never have entered the US.  Hoover’s career involved working with mob bosses and the Nazis.  He worked at Interpol with founder Reinhardt Heydrich SS Nazi Police from 1940 to 1942, and remained close allies. 

Henry Kissinger is a German Jew and joined the US Army Intelligence during WWII.  He worked with General Lucius Clay at Oberammergau, and with the OSS/CIA to help bring Nazis to America under Operation Paperclip.  His mentor was the mysterious Fritz Kraemer.  Kissinger continued relying on Kraemer’s advice even as Secretary of State.Kraemer had a 30 year silent career in the Pentagon Plans Division.  Kraemer was on the dockets of Dachau as Prisoner #33 and was special Lieutenant to Hitler, though much of his history has been whitewashed and redacted from official records. 

Allen Dulles was the first civilian Director of the CIA, and its longest-serving director to date. He was instrumental in the post WWII Marshall Plan, and skimmed money from it.  Dulles had been put in charge of the secret US- Nazi business deals and spy networks. He was a spy himself in the OSS at the Bern, Switzerland station. Dulles was the first to meet with Himm­ler and his Chief of Staff, SS Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff, for negotiations on Operation Sunrise, a series of secret negotiations for the local surrender of German forces in northern Italy, which allowed Wolff to go free and escape justice.  Allen Dulles made the agreement with Reinhard Gehlen to form the post-war Gehlen spy network, known as ‘The Org’, a network of Nazis embedded within the CIA.  Dulles incorporated Nazi spies as CIA station heads around the world. (More on Gehlen and ‘The Dulles Brothers’ in future reports.)

John McCloy was Assistant Secretary of War and held major clout in Washington DC.  He was recognized as the “Godfather of the American Establishment”.  McCloy was the US High Commissioner for Germany after the war and sat atop the World Bank as president.  He was a chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.  He worked with Earl Warren to set up Japanese internment camps in America.  McCloy blocked the liberation of certain concentration camps where Nazi war criminals were hiding out, like Dr. Josef Mengele at Gross-Rosen, hiding there since Auschwitz was liberated in January, 1945.  McCloy stopped Nazi executions in favor of the Nuremberg trials, which he then helped thwart by pardoning 70,000 Nazi war criminals, including prominent German industrialist Alfried Krupp, Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht, and Major General Dr. Walter Dornberger for his use and the deaths of slave labor in producing the V-2 rockets.   

“The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.” ~ NYC Mayor, John F. Hylan, 1922  

Black Operations were developed after World War I and really took off after World War II when Nazis were brought to America under Operation Paperclip, originally named Operation Overcast but will be referenced throughout this report as Paperclip.  Like the secret space program, certain black projects are more secret than others.  As this originating operation continued, more black operations transpired.  

Operatin Paperclip brought thousands of Nazi scientists, physicians, engineers and technicians to America, to provide the US with cutting-edge technologies, exhibited in today’s advanced weapons and in the US’ secret space program.  Little did the US government realize that the Nazi technologies obtained were not their most valued and secret (future report).  The official estimates vary between 1,600-3,000 Nazis that initially flooded the US military, the military industrial complex, biowarfare labs and the intelligence communities.  An estimated 1,800 added at least 4,000 family members, which in some cases included cousins and in-laws, all at the unwitting taxpayer expense.  Eventually 50,000+ Nazis were brought to America under Operation Paperclip!

When World War II started in 1939 the State Department, FBI, Army and Navy were all randomly collecting intelligence, with no direction and little coordination.  President Roosevelt was frustrated by the piecemeal information these agencies were providing. To streamline the collection and dissemination of the intelligence he created the Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI), established in July of 1941.  Roosevelt appointed World War I hero, General William “Wild Bill” Donovan.  Donovan’s Office of the COI was renamed the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) on June 13, 1942, and would later be transformed into the CIG in January of 1946.  It was shuttered in 1947, becoming the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  The OSS was attached to the Executive Office of the President, but technically drew its orders and pay from the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). Truman appointed the Deputy Director of CIG, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter as the first CIA Director. Operation Paperclip was run by the OSS until the CIA took over. 

In late summer 1945, the Department of Defense officially created the top-secret, elite task force called the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, or JIOA.  They were subordinate to the Joint Intelligence Community, which briefed the Joint Chiefs on national security threats.  Yet, they officially established this secret Nazi recruitment program “to to aid our postwar military research”. The JOIA representatives included the Army’s director of intelligence, the chief of Naval intelligence, the assistant chief of Air Staff-2 (Air Force intelligence), and a representative from the State Department.  

Although JIOA’s secret recruitment of Nazi scientists began well before the European Allied victory, President Truman did not formally execute Operation Paperclip until August of 1945. Truman’s order expressly excluded those found to have been “a member of the Nazi Party”;  “more than a nominal participant in its activities”;  or “an active supporter of Nazi militarism”.  This operation also broke the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements.  Truman’s restrictions rendered the majority of the Nazis ineligible to work in the US. This was an increasingly delicate operation. JIOA expunged from public record any Nazi Party memberships and regime affiliations, and eliminated or whitewashed incriminating evidence of war crimes.  Fake political biographies and false employment for these Nazis were created.  Once bleached of their Nazism, the scientists were granted security clearances for their work in the US. The USG believed that Nazi brainpower was far more important to America’s technological development than going against the president, breaking treaties and obfuscated the placement of Nazi war criminals into American society.

Author of the book “Operation Paperclip”, Annie Jacobsen, obtained the transcript of a volatile meeting, secretly recorded at the War Department in early 1945, names were redacted:  “One of the ground rules for bringing them over is that it will be temporary, and at the end of the exploitation they will be sent back to Germany,” said one general.  “I’m opposed,” said another general, “and Pop Powers [unknown official’s nickname] is opposed, the whole War Department is opposed.”  It didn’t matter.  Unofficial US policy held that it was imperative to secretly procure those Nazis who could accelerate America’s scientific advancement.Jacobsen tells us:  “To understand the mind-set of the Joint Intelligence Committee, consider that within one year of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the JIC notified the Joint Chiefs that the US needed to prepare for “total war with the Soviets to include atomic, chemical, and biological warfare”, and they even set an estimated start date of 1952.

Due to the media getting a whiff of the secret taxpayer funded clandestine activities, Operation Overcast was renamed Operation Paperclip.  The name Paperclip reflects the paper clips attached to the Nazis’ files in order to quickly process, bleach, approve and import the Nazis to America.  Eleanor Roosevelt publicly decried the program, as did Albert Einstein.  By March 1947 the operation had generated such lacerating public opinion that Dwight D. Eisenhower, then the US Army Chief of Staff, demanded a briefing.  It lasted only 20 minutes, and upon emerging Eisenhower said he approved of the project. 

The National Security Act of 1947 was established to cover up Operation Paperclip and the secret space program.  Both the CIA and National Security Act were signed on September 18, 1947.  The National Security Act enacted major restructuring of the US military and intelligence agencies.  More importantly it was created to conceal black operations and still hides the many nefarious programs to this day; anything the public is not to know. The majority of the provisions took effect the day after the Senate confirmed James Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense. 

In March 1945, at Bonn University, a Polish lab tech found pieces of what became known as the Osenberg List, stuffed in a toilet tank.  Most of the Osenberg List of scientists worked at the Baltic coast German Army Research Center-Peenemünde developing the V-2 rocket. The list subsequently reached MI6, who transmitted it to US Intelligence, who then sent it on to US Army Major Robert B. Staver, Chief of the Jet Propulsion Section of the Research and Intelligence Branch of the US Army Ordnance Corps.  MajorStaver was tasked with formulating a plan to find Nazi rocket scientists and engineers that knew all about the V-2 technology.  Staver used the Osenberg List to compile his own for capture and interrogation.  Staver’s original intent was only to interview the rocket scientists, but what they learned of other Nazi technologies changed the operation’s scope and purpose.  On May 22 1945 Staver transmitted a memo to the Pentagon, urging the evacuation of specific German scientists, and their families. Staver described theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg, a key pioneer in quantum physics and the Nazi nuclear weapons program, as “worth more to us than ten divisions of Germans.”  

Key figures in the Nazi regime were also scouted and recruited by governments from all over the world. The Soviet Union famously evacuated a large portion of eastern Germany’s industry to the USSR, along with communities of scientists.  For the Nazis who found themselves spirited off to the USSR the story was less happy.  Germany was full of Nazi specialists, and realizing the war was lost some had been planning ahead for a future life of freedom; they hoped in America.  Their microfilm, patents and other scientific and engineering materials had been secretly buried deep in salt mines, left with trusted friends, or hidden in obscure locations, while others kept their value stored only in their heads.  

SHAEF was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe from late 1943 until the end of World War II. General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the commander in SHAEF throughout its existence.  Its purpose was to identify and seize critical documents pertaining to the Nazis’ programs dealing with weapons of mass destruction, chemical and bio warfare and their development of a nuclear bomb. In coordination with SHAEF, American and British intelligence agencies worked jointly with Operation Alsos, scouring Germany for the Nazi’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the scientists, industry leaders and as much research as they could uncover.  

Early on, the US had created the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS), who provided information on the targets for the T-Forces trailing behind Allied combat troops. The T-Forces found and confiscated scientific war-related materials, industrial installations and high value employees, scientists and executives of such firms as IG Farben.  As the Allies pushed deeper into the occupied countries and ultimately into Germany, they knew it would be critical to obtain this documentation. 

Before the guns fell silent in May of 1945, the Allies had already found troves of information in Occupied Europe. They estimated the Nazis employed more than 4,000 scientists and engineers to accomplish winning the war for Hitler.  German research facilities were seized and the Nazi players were captured and interrogated. The Field Information Agency Technical (FIAT) processed mountains of papers found in the factories and hideaways.  FIAT became the major bureaucratic driver tasked with facilitating the investigation, the acquisition of the scientists and their valuable materials.  Massive amounts of scientific secrets, blueprints, patents, devices, and the detailed notes on special techniques were compiled, evaluated, the information extracted and flown back to Washington DC.  

Prominent Nazi scientists were recruited for their eminent knowledge in their specialized fields.  W.O. Schumann, and Eugene Saenger were at the top of the list.  Schumann was the preeminent authority in the world on electromagnetic fields.  Saenger was a lead rocket developer that conceived a rocket-powered sled that launched bombers with its own rocket engines, climbed to the fringe of space, then skipped along the upper atmosphere, covering vast distances in a series of sub-orbital “hops”.  The US employed Georg Goubau, a physicist and researcher in electromagnetic waves, and shortwave frequencies in the ionized plasma of the Ionosphere; and brought in theoretical physicist Friedwardt Winterberg, known for his research spanning from general relativityPlanck scale physicsnuclear fusion, and plasmas to his work in nuclear rocket propulsion.  Paperclip also hired Franz Xaver Dorsch to help with the development of the US’ secret underground base programs.  Xaver Dorsch was the founder of the Todt Organization, and was in charge of Hitler’s frantic program to build major underground tunnels and factories.

In addition to weapons like the V-2 ballistic missilethe Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter, the Horton 229, and the Type XXI submarine, the Allies found information and scientists related to stealth technology, hardened armour, miniaturized devices, aerospace medicine, mind control, nerve gas, bio and chemical weapons; groundbreaking technologies that America wanted. “Taking Nazi Technology” is a great book by Douglas O’Reagan that details what the Americans found. “SS Brotherhood of the Bell” by Joseph P. Farrell is another.  

One disturbing aspect comes from the developments made by the US Army Chemical Corps using Nazi biological and chemical weapons research and development.  The Nazi counterpart was more advanced and held major value for the US secret biological and chemical weapons programs.  In addition, the Nazis’ development of drugs and vaccines held great prosperity for the US pharmaceutical industry, led by John D. Rockefeller who had helped fund the early Nazi vaccine and genetics research.  

As the Allied troops advanced through France in November of 1944, three American experts in biological weapons huddled by candlelight in a grand apartment in Strasbourg, France, guarded by US soldiers.  They were looking for evidence of the Third Reich’s progress in atomic and biochemical warfare.  In addition to Dr. August Hirt’s skeleton collection discovered in the cellars of the Anatomical Institute, what they found were chronicles of devastating carnage.  Samuel Goudsmit, a Dutch-American physicist, was the leader of this investigative unit and was part of the Manhattan Project.  Goudsmit and his team were poring through documents left behind by Dr. Eugen Haagen, a high-ranking Nazi who specialized in weaponizing deadly viruses.  Haagen was once a world-renowned genius who had won a fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation, and had been shortlisted for a Nobel Prize.  

Haagen helped create the first vaccine for yellow fever and conducted numerous typhus experiments. Found here was evidence of him committing crimes against humanity.  Haagen was placed at the top of Goudsmit’s list, then he added any names referenced in Haagen’s memos. This included Dr. Kurt Blome, the Third Reich’s deputy surgeon general, and the surgeon general, Walter Schreiber.  These men were now among America’s most wanted–but not in the way one might assume.  The Nazi doctors and scientists regarded the concentration camp inmates as a “vast reservoir of experimental material”.  These Nazis knew that no matter what atrocities were eventually discovered, no major world power would refuse the technological advances they had made in bio and chemical warfare, nor could they afford not to learn how to fight against what had been created.

The Nazi scientists who were recruited to work on these projects were those who had committed depraved experiments on concentration camp victims.  Dr. Kurt Blome headed the biological and chemical warfare research and experiments, disguised as “cancer research”.  Blome conducted experiments that involved spreading disease through mosquitoes and lice, then developed the vaccines against those diseases. He also ran tests that involved dropping nerve gas and insecticides from planes.  Blome is responsible for the creation of the weaponized bubonic plague. The work of Blome and his colleague Dr. Fritz Hoffmann helped the US Army Chemical Corps develop Agent Orange, the defoliant that was devastating in the Vietnam War, which has caused the Vietnamese, our Veterans, and their progeny prolonged health problems.  Sarin gas and the deadlier Tabun had also been developed by these Nazis during the second world war.  

More experiments under the guidance of Dr. Blome included testing psychedelics like LSD for behavior modification and mind control.  Dr. Blome’s program in the US was renamed ARTICHOKE under the CIA’s Operation MK ULTRA.  This black project fractured thousands of American minds, with one reported incident of a subject being given LSD for 77 consecutive days!  Once the Nazi secrets of mind control techniques were discovered more experienced Nazi physicians were imported for mind control programs.  Initial American test subjects included non-consenting prisoners and mental patients. Other mind control programs focused on children around six years of age; Dr. Josef Mengele’s Lebensborn’s programs.  Mind control experiments began upon the Nazi doctors arrival, and have been perfected using frequencies, harmonics and electromagnetic energy weapons of today.  US companies gained great secrets on how to use Nazi-styled propaganda combined with subliminal mind control for an edge in their post-war advertising campaigns.  A major coup the Americans obtained were the secret Nazi developments in genetics, based on the twin and blue eye genetics research of Dr. Mengele. (More on Mengele in a future report.)

The scientific community is still fractured over the legacy of Dr. Hubertus Strughold.  According to a 1946 memo of the Nuremberg Trials, Strughold was listed as one of “13 persons, firms or organizations implicated” in some of the notorious Dachau concentration camp experiments. This memo referenced his infamous high altitude, low pressure, hypothermia experiments in which prisoners were used, tortured and killed as experimental subjects.  The aeromedical library at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio was named after Strughold in 1977.  It had to be renamed due to new Nuremberg media exposure that connected Strughold to horrific Nazi experiments.  More importantly, every year since 1963 the Space Medicine Association bestowed the Strughold Award to a top scientist for outstanding work in aviation medicine.  This prestigious prize was named in honor of Strughold, who was known as the “Father of Space Medicine”.  Since 2012 the award is no longer given in his name.  

While America was building its own rocket program on the foundations of German technology, the horrible reality of slave labor used for V-2 production was discovered, deeply hidden from the public.  Only in the past 20 years, as prisoners’ histories have been published and official documents have been released, have we begun to realize more.  A trail of facts flow through public records of the US Army, the National Archives, the State Department, Berlin Document Center, Britain’s Imperial War Museum, Nuremberg Trial records and West German court proceedings. This information revealed the Mittelwerk underground tunnel factory that produced the V-2 rockets.  A horrific saga, as tangled a web as any work of fiction about the Nazis. 

A British air raid against the German Army rocket research center at Peenemünde on August 17-18, 1943 had provoked action on the part of HitlerAlbert Speer and SS Chief Heinrich Himmler to evacuate rocket production to an underground site.  The assembly line machinery had to be moved underground to the Nordhausen region from Peenemünde and also from two other unfinished V-2 assembly plants at Friedrichshafen and Wiener Neustadt. Along with them came the SS prisoners who had been in the subcamps at Peenemünde and the Raxwerke in Wiener Neustadt.  

It was during October, November and December of 1943 that the most physically punishing work was done by the sub-camp Mittelbau-Dora prisoners, who struggled under terrible, inhuman conditions to enlarge and fit out the Mittelwerk tunnels for the underground V-2 production facility.  Prisoners drilled and blasted away thousands of tons of rock. They built rickety, temporary narrow gauge tracks to support the multi-ton loads of rock that were extracted from the caves. If the skips or small rail cars, full of rock fell off these tracks, that happened frequently, prisoners were whipped and beaten until they could re-rail and reload the cars.  Bryce Thornton, a 92 year old WWII Veteran stated:  “I spoke with two prisoners… skeletal survivors… one, a Frenchman who might have been called Isaac. The Frenchman had been beaten. He said it happened every day. He felt lucky he hadn’t been shot…shot and his corpse left to rot in the yard with the other bodies. He showed me his back and hips… beaten black and blue… he spoke English, and like all of the ones who were still alive, were so grateful to us…”

The prisoners were made to eat and sleep within the tunnels they were digging. Thousands of workers were crammed into cold, stinking, lice infested bunks stacked four-high in the first few south side cross tunnels at the mouth of Tunnel A, in an atmosphere thick with gypsum dust and fumes from the blasting work, which continued 24 hours a day.  Prisoners had no running water or sanitary facilities. Dysentery, typhus, tuberculosis, and starvation were constant causes of suffering and death for these unfortunate people.  They reportedly worked 72 hours a week and were fed 1,000 calories a day in cold, unsanitary conditions.  

Life for the inmates was abhorrent inside the underground facility that contained one million square feet in two parallel S-shaped tunnels–dug in a ridge of the Harz Mountains. The number of prisoner-workers at Dora was about 7,000 in October of 1943 and rose to over 12,000 in January, 1944.  By February, 1945, more than 19,000 inmates were reported in the camp.  As other projects accelerated, the prisoner population of Dora subcamps swelled as well, going from some 15,000 in September, 1944 to over 20,000 in March, 1945. It is estimated that of the 60,000+ detainees employed in and around the complex over a 20-month period 26,500 did not survive.  It is a little known truth that more people died manufacturing the V-2 than were killed by its blast. Each operational V-2 to come off the Mittelwerk line consumed six human lives. 

On April 11, 1945, the spearhead of the advancing American troops, Combat Command B (CCB) of the 3rd Armored Division entered Nordhausen.  Here CCB was to pause and link up with the 104th Infantry (Timberwolf) Division before continuing its drive to the east.  The Third Armored had been warned by Army Intelligence to “expect something a little unusual” in the Nordhausen area, but they knew nothing of the horrors soon to be discovered.  One of the first unimaginable encounters took place at the Boelcke-Kaserne, called the Nordhausen Camp, a former German military barracks that the SS had used as a dumping ground for prisoners from camps and the V-2 project who were too weak or diseased to include in the transports and forced marches out of the area. An estimated 2,500 corpses were found here, along with a few survivors. Then, troops from the 104th and Third Armored discovered Dora and the entrances to the Mittelwerk tunnels.

Mittelbau (Mittelwerk) Overview

After the British air raid and meetings with Hitler on August 18th, 1943, Himmler informed Armaments Minister Albert Speer that he was personally taking over V-2 production and placing SS Brigadier General Hans Kammler in charge of the Mittelbau complex.  General Kammler was in charge of the jet programmes and directed moving the V-2 and V-1 missile production facilities to the underground Mittelwerk tunnels.  For the last 18 months of the war Kammler was in charge of the V-2 project, taking it over from SS General Walter Dornberger. This is the same V-2 program for which Wernher von Braun was the principal rocket scientist and engineer. 

Kammler was no ordinary SS officer, he was the administrator responsible for Nazi civil engineering projects at the top secret weapons factory and ‘think tank’ in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, where the research and development of the secret die Glocke took place.  It was years after the war until the Allies located Kammler’s secret site. Kammler was in charge of special construction projects for Albert Speer and for Hermann Goering.  It was Kammler who had been in charge of building the extermination camps and gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Maidenek, and Belzec.  A quote from the Nuremberg Trial by Dr. A. Poschmann, chief medical officer to Albert Speer:  “When a deputation of prisoners at Mittelwerk had petitioned for improved conditions, SS Brigadefuhrer General Hans Kammler responded by ordering machine guns to be used, killing 80″.

In early May of 1945 Kammler vanished into thin air, along with the Nazi Bell itself. The mystery is contradictory in the accounts of Kammler’s death, suicide or escape given by men who served under him. The true fate of General Kammler is a conundrum that has baffled investigators and historians for over half a century. There is vast speculative agreement that both he and the Bell were secretly taken to Wright-Patterson AFB under Operation Paperclip. A number of researchers into Kammler’s disappearance argue that he and the Bell ended up in Bariloche, Argentina, where Dr. Ronald Richter’s top secret thermonuclear fusion control experiments were taking place under Argentine President Juan Peron. Dr. Joseph Farrell’s book, “Nazi International” provides well researched documentation on this and more.

Dr. Colm Lowery spent decades investigating the elusive Kammler, uncovering documents unseen since the 1940s. He posted his research on a WWII discussion forum online and was contacted by Keith Chester, an investigative researcher from the US.  With the assistance of Kammler’s surviving family, they gained unprecedented access to private archives, letters and interviews, and their research eventually took them to the highest levels of the US government.  The pair teamed up with lawyer Dean Reuter and the trio embarked on an investigation to unlock the mysteries surrounding Kammler.  They found that Kammler was in American custody just after the war–after his officially declared suicide.  Kammler never met justice and has been hidden from public view.  Lowery’s fascinating book,”The Hidden Nazi” includes a firsthand interview with Kammler’s son as he lay on his deathbed in Germany. 

Georg Rickhey was the general manager at Mittelwerk and was the leader of NSDAP Gau Essen in the Ruhr region.  Rickhey worked with General Kammler and Arthur Rudolph at the Mittelwerk facility.  In America, Rickhey was sent to work at Wright-Patterson AFB, home of Hangar 18 where UFO crash debris is reportedly stored. Rickhey was subsequently indicted as part of the Dachau Trials of 1947, under accusations that he ordered and witnessed executions at Mittelwerk. Specifically, there were 12 prisoners reportedly hanged from a crane on the production floor which Rickhey denied ordering and witnessing, though his office was directly across from the crane–directly within his line of sight.  Rickhey was sent back to Germany to stand trial for his alleged war crimes, where he was acquitted and subsequently returned to the US. 

Arthur Rudolph was a rocket engineer that helped develop the V-2, along with Wernher von Braun. “For two years Arthur Rudolph was chief operations director at Middelwerk, “a death factory” described Neal M. Sher, director of the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations, and the man who investigated Rudolph for over three years. Sher said that in Rudolph’s position as production head of Mittelwerk he had used “10,000 slave laborers of 31 nationalities working under the most inhumane conditions imaginable to crank out 6,000 V2 rockets”.  The investigation found that at least 5,000 prisoners had died working at Mittelwerk, just during the time Rudolph ran the production line.

Arthur Rudolph became one of the exalted pioneers of the US space program(s).  Working within the US Army and NASA.  He developed several systems, including the Pershing missile.  On June 25, 1950, Rudolph was transferred to Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL as technical director for the Redstone missile project.  His group was re-designated as the Ordnance Guided Missile Center.  In 1961 he was transferred to NASA, once again working with Wernher von Braun and Walter Dornberger.  Rudolph became the assistant director of systems engineering as liaison between vehicle development at Marshall Space Flight Center and at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston.  He developed the requirements for the rocket system and the mission plan for the Apollo program.  Rudolph was awarded the NASA Exceptional Service Medal and the NASA Distinguished Service Medal.  He also received the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service, the highest Army award for civilians. Rudolph was credited as the father of the Saturn V rocket.  

In 1979 the US Congress opened a special investigation to uncover Nazi war criminals living in the United States, but not until 1984 was Arthur Rudolph investigated for war crimes.  With threats and intimidation against his NASA pension, Rudolph agreed to renounce his US citizenship and leave the US.  A memo from the Justice Department’s No. 2 official, urged immigration officers to let Rudolph back in the country after his short stay in Mexico, saying “a failure to do so would be to the detriment of the national interest”. 

Walter Dornberger was one of the biggest names in the US for rocket science.  He was Wernher von Braun’s commanding officer at Peenemünde, and was the head of the V-2 rocket program until Hans Kammler took over at Mittelwerk.  In mid-August 1945, after taking part in the British led Operation Backfire, Dornberger was escorted from Cuxhaven, Germany to London for interrogation by the British War Crimes Investigation Unit in connection with the use of slave labor in the production of the V-2 rockets.  He was subsequently transferred and detained at Bridgend in South Wales, then released into US custody, ordered by John McCloy.   

Dornberger went to work for the US Air Force developing guided missiles, and later he worked on the US’ secret space program.  From 1950 to 1965, Dornberger was at Bell Helicopter in New York.  That may seem a strange destination for a ballistic missile expert;  Bell Helicopter was the leading company in the R&D effort for the secret space program, the Dyna-Soar program’s boost-glide rocket plane.  There were two parallel manned space programs under development, one at NASA—the ApolloMercury and Gemini programs, and the secret space program under the Dyna-Soar, where Neil Armstrong trained and later became a NASA astronaut.  

Major Robert Staverhad been in the Nordhausen area searching the plants and smaller laboratories for V-2 technicians.  On May 12, 1945 Staver located his first V-2 engineer, Karl Otto Fleisher, who put him in touch with other Mittelbau engineers.  As it turned out, Fleisher was the only one remaining in the Nordhausen area who knew the general location of the V-2 documents hidden by Wernher von Braun’s group.  Wernher von Braun had anticipated the actions of the Allies, and had carefully plotted his escape from Germany to freedom in America, he hoped.  In March 1945, von Braun had conscripted two friends to stash his most important research in an abandoned mine near Dronten, saying he’d use it “to broker a new life in America”.  

Fleisher led Staver in finding Walther Riedel, Chief of the rocket motor and structural design section.  Riedel was interrogated through May 18, and assisted Staver in identifying which of the thousands of German rocket specialists and their families should be offered evacuation to the American Zone, in advance of the Russian occupation of the Nordhausen area scheduled for June 21.  Reidel emphasized the use of the V-2 for space travel, urging the Americans to import perhaps 40 of the top V-2 engineers to America.  Less than 24 hours before the Russians arrived, some 1,000 V-2 personnel and their families were gathered up and placed aboard a 50 car train which finally made it to the small town of Witzenhausen, just inside the American Zone. 

Wernher von Braun became No. 1 on Major Staver’s list for desired Nazi rocket engineers. Von Braun had been the technical director at the Peenemunde Army Research Center.  He was instrumental in developing the V-2 rocket that devastated England.  The V-2 held a payload of 2,000 pounds and flew five times beyond the speed of sound.  

On May 2, 1945, the anti tank company of the 324th Infantry of the 44th ID was patrolling in the area of Reutte, just over the Austrian border from southern Bavaria, when Magnus von Braun (Wernher’s brother) came pedaling down the road to announce that the leaders of the V-2 team were just ahead, holed up in a Bavarian chalet.  They wished to surrender to the Americans.  They included Walter Dornberger, Bernard Tessmann, and Dieter Huzel, the friends who had stashed von Braun’s V-2 documents near Dronten.  Major Staver was notified  after von Braun described to the 44th how his work would benefit an American space race, envisioned by Robert Goddard, the man who ushered in the Space Age.  Upon surrender von Braun and his colleagues were treated to a hearty breakfast of eggs, coffee and bread, then to freshly made beds in a nearby hotel.  

After the general German surrender on May 7, 1945, the entire group of V-2 scientists and engineers was moved to a prisoner enclosure in Garmisch-Partenkirchen Bavaria, where interrogators questioned them.  The von Braun teamand his brother Magnus, were soon brought to the US under Operation Paperclip.  By the summer of 1945, several rocket-scientist groups arrived for duty atWhite Sands Proving Grounds, NM, and assisted the US Army with rocket experimentation as “War Department Special Employees”.  A year later, at White Sands the first reassembled V-2 was successfully launched on June 28, 1946.  The other group of 115, the largest team of rocket scientists, went to Fort Bliss in Texas.  More Paperclip aeronautical engineers were also sent to Wright Field in Ohio, where the US had Luftwaffe aircraft that had been captured under Operation Lusty.  

Werhner Von Braun was first assigned to the US Army ballistic missile program and developed the rockets that launched the US’ first space satellite, the Explorer 1.  In 1960, his group was assimilated into the newly-created NASA, where he was head of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.  He was the chief architect of the super heavy-lift launch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft.   

At age 36 von Braun was allowed to return to Germany to marry his 18-year-old cousin, Maria, and bring her back to the US.  On April 15, 1955, von Braun became a naturalized citizen of the United States.  He became the most visible and celebrated Nazi of Operation Paperclip, welcomed with open arms by the elite inner circles of Washington DC and Hollywood.  He became a close friend to Walt Disney where he assisted with Disney’s propaganda campaigns to “prepare young minds for the idea of outer space travel”.  In 1977, pedo-President Gerald Ford awarded him the country’s highest science honor, the President’s National Medal of Science in Engineering.  Wernher was too ill to attend the White House ceremony.  Von Braun died on June 16, 1977 of pancreatic cancer in Alexandria, VA at age 65.  He is buried at the Ivy Hill Cemetery.  His gravestone cites Psalm 19:1:  “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork”.

NAZI NASA Rocket Scientists
Wernher von Braun & friends
President Kennedy & von Braun
Wernher & best friend Walt Disney
Wernher & wife/cousin Maria

Nazi technologies for the development of the secret space program was the main goal of Operation Paperclip. Other advanced weapons technologies that could expand US military dominance was another.  Nazi research and development was, and is, a priceless commodity for the US government’s black programs of today he future, massively expanding military budgets for never ending wars. In the politicians’ and war industrialists way of thinking the Nazis’ “contributions” absolve them of their war crimes.  

Weather warfare technologies and other advanced tech have already been perfected and are in use.  We now hear discussions about the US controlling the space domain for “full spectrum dominance of planet earth”.  Most people are totally unaware that these technologies even exist.  Few know what they are capable of, and few realize how they are being funded…more in future reports. 

“The Plan is for the United States to rule the world.  The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination.  It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming superiority and prevent new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage. It calls for dominion over friends and enemies alike. It says not that the United States must be more powerful, or most powerful, but that it must be absolutely powerful.”  ~Dick Cheney, June 2002


Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, by Annie Jacobsen  

The CIA Covenant, Nazis in Washington, by Gregory Douglas

The Hidden Nazi, by Colm Lowery, Dean Reuter and Keith Chester

Blowback:  America’s Recruitment of the Nazis & Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic & Foreign Policy, by Christopher Simpson

Taking Nazi Technology, by Douglas O’Reagan

SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology, by Joseph P. Farrell

The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, by Joseph Borkin

Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, by Stephen Kinzer 

The CIA Doctors, by Colin A. Ross

Auschwitz Children and Mengele Experiments, by Jack Stew Barretta

Other Sources

Operation Paperclip-OSS

Operation Paperclip: When The CIA Recruited Nazis And War Criminals To Work For The US Government


“Hang ‘Em or Hire ‘Em”

Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says (Published 2010)

When the U.S. recruited Nazis for ‘Operation Paperclip’

Behind the secret plan to bring Nazi scientists to US

Hitler as a U.S. Zionist puppet

Hitler’s Money Trail

The History of Dirty Tricks: Who Benefited From the Self-Destruction of Europe?

CIA Nazis

Operation paperclip list of names

Law Reports of Trial of War Criminals, Volume X, The IG Farben and Krupp Trials, English Edition

The Hitler Mystery: Operation Paperclip..Can this be called “treason”?

The Nuclear Spies: America’s Atomic Intelligence Operation against Hitler and Stalin on JSTOR

The CIA’s Worst-Kept Secret: Newly Declassified Files Confirm United States Collaboration with Nazis  

Nuremberg Trial – 75 Years Ago – and What It Means Today: In the Midst of a World Tyranny

CIA Declassifies Its Records On Dealings With Ex-Nazis 



V2ROCKET.COM – Mittelwerk / DORA

15 Shocking Facts About The Philadelphia Experiment

Northern Ireland academic in decades-long probe into Nazi holocaust architect mystery

CHAPTER FOUR: Standard Oil Fuels World War II



Curious Minds: Operation Paperclip – Presented by Professor Thilo Schimmel

Annie Jacobsen, “Operation Paperclip”

The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men

Science and the Swastika : Hitler’s Biological Soldiers

MKUltra: The CIA’s Mind Control Operation

Nazi Fascism and the Master Plan for World Government  


Operation Paperclip – The Search for Nazi Scientists – WWII Short Documentary