Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars – Part 2

The winning of wars through dominance on land, sea and air has led us to embrace the Space Force.  While we are distracted by space, the military takes aim at the battlefield of the mind. The brain and the control of it has been studied since at least 300 A.D. and now technology has taken over.  While Operation Paperclip Nazi atomic scientists were racing towards space, so too were Nazi neuroscientists racing to develop more complex, thorough models of the human brain and  the technologies to control it.  Scientists learned long ago that brain waves have recognizable signatures and can be decoded. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla has developed a device that can read your mind, Elon Musk unveils plan to build mind-reading implants: ‘The monkey is out of the bag’.  Northrop Grumman is building binoculars that tap the unconscious mind. The USG is behind tech that can read your thoughts and implant new ones Government Technology to Read Your Thoughts and Implant New Ones.  

Billions of dollars go into developing technologies that manipulate our minds, and can connect the brain directly to supercomputers and to the Internet of Things.  The Defense Intelligence Agency released a report in 2008, saying the military needed even more of our tax dollars to develop technologies ”up to and including making the enemy obey our commands”, yet the military already did this in the Iraq War war (Voice to Skull or V2K, see below), and the technology had been publicly announced in 1961! Just today, I read an article that “MIT and the Pentagon are looking at plasma balls that communicate directly to the brain”!  Brain research and brain technologies are very important to governments and militaries around the world, and the technology has been in development, tested and used for a very long time. 

The US military has developed a vast array of silent weapons, which began with the Nazis. At the end of World War II, German scientists were being held in detainment camps, while the British, French, Americans, and Russians were embroiled in a secret, highly competitive recruiting effort to secure their expertise. The prospect of losing the Nazi scientific prowess led to Operation Paperclip. Thousands of Nazi scientists were secretly brought to the US, having no US State Department approval. Declassified CIA documents reveal that a secret directive was signed by President Truman on September 3, 1946, approving and expanding PAPERCLIP to include as many as 4,500-7,000 Nazi scientists for atomic weapons development and the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control projects: Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room

These Nazi scientists were the progenitors of today’s technologies.  There are many more advanced technologies already developed, and thousands of patents granted by the US Patent Office. Presented here are but a few.   

Neuroscience is all about the brain and the brain’s effects on behavior and cognitive functions. In 1964 neuroscientist Robert Livingston founded the Neuroscience Dept. at the newly built Univ. of CA in San Diego.  The first of its kind in the world, and an important one.  Livingston and his department are well known for early research in computer mapping of the human brain. President Obama launched the BRAIN Initiative in 2013, with costs estimated at over $6 billion ($4.5 billion to the NIH alone). With these brain studies, the technologies for mind manipulation have advanced, perhaps perfected. They’ve certainly been used much longer than most people realize.  The brain literally began to be seen as a mental battlefield, because the brain is essentially an electrical device, and it is hackable, thus controllable.  Could Your Brain Be Hacked?

Over time, neuroscience research has gone through philosophical, experimental, and ethical phases. Controlof the brain should be at the forefront of the ethical discussion, yet throughout history we see that ethics have little to do with anything. Luckily, Dr James Giordano has stepped forward with a lot of information.  He is Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program in Military Medical Ethics of the O’Neill-Pellegrino Program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics. Dr.Giordano is also ex-DoD, ex-DARPA and Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University. Dr. Giordano has revealed many advanced neurological weapons already being used.  In this video, Giordano speaks to West Point cadets and faculty: Dr. James Giordano, and explains advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology.  In his own words: “…this includes things like cyber-linked neurocognitive manipulation, directed energy weapons, implantable BMIs [Brain-Machine-Interface], nano neurotechnologicals, nanochips and the neuro enhancement of the brain”.  With these technologies, we are facing more ethical concerns that require more “experts” coming forward. (More Giordano videos in Sources below.) And, we especially need more American citizens to realize the existence and scope and of these technologies–the intent of this report.

Science teaches us that the work of the nervous system is to carry messages throughout the body and control our senses. The brain is a complex bioelectrical organ that produces electric fields.  Scientists claim to have controlled brain functions with a technique using powerful electromagnetic radiation. This technique, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), can jam or excite particular brain circuits.  Please read on to see how brain technology and the control of it has progressed.

Early Technology 

Stimoceiver Brain Implant:  Jose Rodríguez Delgado (August 8, 1915 – September 15, 2011) was a professor of neurophysiology at Yale University, famed for his research on mind control through technology, specifically with electrical stimulation of the brain.  Delgado’s research was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. Delgado’s research centered on the use of electrical signals to evoke nervous system responses in the brain, developing the military-funded Stimoceiver implant that used frequencies to activate the brain’s transmitters.  It  stimulates emotions and controls physical behavior,  and produces various sensory perceptions of visual and auditory hallucinations. Implants in the brain were groundbreaking technology in the 1940’s. According to Delgado, “Stimulation of different points in the amygdala and hippocampus produced a variety of effects, including pleasant sensations, elation, deep concentration, odd feelings, super relaxation, colored visions, and other responses”. “Humans can be controlled like robots with the push of a button.”  When the motor cortex was stimulated, Delgado saw that the device also produced movement of the limbs. Subjects were unable to resist the reaction, with one subject saying, “I guess, doctor, that your electricity is stronger than my will”.  The Stimoceiver could also implant post-hypnotic suggestions with other frequencies, and nerve impulses could be blocked causing selective amnesia. 

The most famous exhibition of the Stimoceiver in action was at a Córdoba Spain bull breeding ranch. Delgado went into the ring with a bull having an implanted Stimoceiver.  The bull charged, Delgado pressed a remote control button and the bull stopped in its tracks. Delgado believed that his experiment with a female chimpanzee, named Paddy, was far more significant. With Paddy having an implanted Stimoceiver linked to a computer, a brain signal called a spindle was detected. The Stimoceiver then sent a signal to that area of Paddy’s brain, producing an ‘aversive reaction’; unpleasant or painful sensation, resulting in negative feedback in the brain and within hours her brain was producing fewer spindles as a result of the negative feedback loop. “She became quieter, less attentive and less motivated during behavioral testing.”  Delgado hypothesized that this method could be used to stop disorders controlled by certain signals within the brain’s messaging loop.  Delgado also created a “chemitrode” which was an implantable device that released controlled amounts of a drug into specific brain areas. Jose Delgado created many inventions, and switched to non-invasive brain-stimulation methods, with techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).  This research is now over seventy years old, and brain implants became unnecessary.  Delgado and the bull: 

Jose Delgado- manipulation without electrodes 

Delgado in bull ring
The Stimoceiver for Mind Control

 Neurophone:  In 1958, at 17 years old, Dr. Patrick Flanagan (October 11, 1944-) invented the Neurophone, an electronic nervous system excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain, bypassing normal isolating barriers.  Flanagan received the patent in 1968–US Patent 3,393,279.  The Neurophone “pumps the brain” and reproduces sound and information through the nervous system, without going through the auditory system.  It initiates remote controlled responses of the neuro senses and causes a person to receive the perception of sound, corresponding to the audio modulation of radio frequency electromagnetic waves, which couple with the nervous system. 

At age eleven, Flanagan had already developed and sold a guided missile detector to the US Military, and was soon employed by a Pentagon think tank.  He later worked as a consultant to the NSA, CIA, NASA, Tufts University, the Office of Naval Research, and the Aberdeen Proving Grounds for the Department of Unconventional Weapons and Warfare.” The invention of the Neurophone earned Flanagan a profile in Life magazine, calling him a “unique, mature and inquisitive scientist”.  More at Dr. Flanagan’s website:  Patrick Flanagan Library

Neurophone schematic

Simple diagram of the improved Flanagan Neurophone. The square-wave clipper section reduces complex signals, their overtones, and modulations to square waves, retaining the temporal content of the wave mix but not the waves themselves. They serve as a band pass filter to accent the time keying of the neutrinic and mindfield portions, or aspects of the signal.  When these time spikes are introduced across the body as pulsed voltages, they are modulated directly on the dendrite firings of the brain and nervous system, providing direct and pulsed modulation of the neutrinic and mindfield component channels of the mind-brain-consciousness-life loop itself.  Thus the neurophone directly inputs information into the brain and nervous system, bypassing all the normal sensory systems that lie between the mind-brain loop and the outside environment.

Nervous System Manipulation:  In 1927, American Philo T. Farnsworth became the first inventor to transmit a television image–a $ sign.  By 1935, D. S. Loewe’s German cathode-ray electronic television was already being watched  by 1600 German families.  After Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, the FCC issued a ban on the construction of televisions in the US.  At that time, only a few thousand Americans had a TV.  By the end of the war, the rising middle class were installing TV’s across the country, with six million by 1950. In 1960 that number jumped to 60 million!  

Science teaches us that the nervous system carries messages throughout the body and science views the brain as a complex bioelectrical organ that produces electric fields. Brain functions can be controlled with techniques using electromagnetic radiation.  Hendricus G. Loos’ patent from 2003 (US Patent 6506148 B2 Patent: Nervous System Manipulation – Is it Real) details how our emotional state is changed by pulsed electromagnetic frequencies using various electronic devices. Computer monitors and TVs display pulsed images; pulsed with electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause this change. The pulsed images place the mind in a trance state within seconds, lowering the brainwaves to the Alpha state, commonly associated with meditation and deep relaxation. The natural consequence is that the conscious filters are turned off and we are unable to logically analyze the information being received. The subconscious mind doesn’t miss a thing, and in this state becomes highly suggestible to what is being  transmitted.  You may not even notice those hypnotic swirling circles at the beginning of your local newscast that get you ready to ingest whatever is beamed into your skull.  From subliminal TV ads to the rhetoric of concealed Social Engineering messages, we may think that we’re just watching TV, but in fact we are being programmed. They don’t call it television programming for nothing!  

It would be hard to overstate the impact that television has had on cultures around the world. Cultural messaging affects all that feed on regular television programming. From Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, by brothers Phillip and Paul Collins:  “Through alchemical sorcery of electronic media, individual consciousness is immersed within a mass mind.  TV and electronic media have become instrumental in the fulfilment of the elite’s evolutionary script for humanity. It’s integral to the Masonic vision of a unified consciousness.”  

Nervous System Manipulation
Freaky Google Patent: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from computer monitors – Star Seeds Portal

Advanced Technologies and Terms

Dr. Robert Duncan, M.B.A., Ph.D. (EX CIA/DARPA/DOD/NASA/NATO/DOJ), is one of many scientists that worked on USG neural weapons’ projects.  Neural weapons are complicated technologies that Dr. Duncan xplains so very well; my go-to-guy for grasping some of these techs.  Duncan believed he was doing good for the world, doing good for America, doing all the right things while working on the programs. When he realized they were being used as weapons against American civilians he became a whistleblower.  Included in Sources below are several Duncan videos.  In this 20 minute portion of a recent vid, Dr. Duncan clearly describes some of these technologies, stating,  “…the CIA has been keeping this research incredibly secret for quite a long time… we can behaviorally modify anyone here on earth… now they’re so advanced we can make you think and feel anything we want… turns out these weapons are far worse than nuclear weapons….” Beginning at 3:56, Duncan briefly describes a few, like LRAD, V2K, Synthetic Telepathy and depatterning and reprogramming the brain.  Escaping the Matrix presentation. Dr. Robert Duncan V2K  Neuroweapons

Active Denial System (ADS): A directed-energy weapon, also known as Heat Ray Gun, developed by the DOD, with the Air Force Research Laboratory as the lead.  Nicknamed the pain ray gun or heat ray gun.  It sends an invisible zap of energy to disperse crowds and hostile forces. Called the heat ray since it uses directed energy–millimeter waves–to heat the top layer of skin., causing a brief but excruciating pain, as if the skin is on fire. A 2007 field test, later leaked to Wired magazine, revealed that an airman was severely burned by this device.  Records show the ADS was deployed in 2010 in Afghanistan, and in August, 2010 by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to control prisoners. As of 2014, the ADS was a vehicle-mounted weapon.

Active Denial System
The Active Denial System (ADS) – YouTube

Cybernetic Hive Mind:  An international collaboration, led by researchers at UC Berkeley and the US Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, has published a prediction that Nanotechnology breakthroughs are inevitably leading to the development of a “Human Brain/Cloud Interface” (B/CI) that connects brain cells to vast cloud-computing networks in real time reports  The technology is derived from the work of Ray Kurzweil, known for the book The Singularity is Near, in which he predicts that the human race will eventually merge with Artificial Intelligence. The latest step in this direction has to do with the development of Nanobots that are injected into the human brain to monitor and control signals to and from brain cells, then upload to the Cloud.  Author Robert Freitas Jr. explains: “These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the Blood-Brain-Barrier, and precisely auto position themselves among, or even within, brain cells.” “They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction.”  (Sounds a little like the “Collective” from Star Trek, the cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind.) 

DARPA and military intelligence agencies were heavily involved in researching many mind control technologies, including the creation of the Cybernetic Hive Mind.  When reported in September, 2012, DARPA already had over 4 years of research in hivemind technology.  The report linked below states the military succeeded in melding the brains of its soldiers into a Cybernetic Hive Mind. DARPA created a system that combines soldiers, EEG brainwave scanners, 120-megapixel cameras, and multiple computers running cognitive visual processing algorithms into a Cybernetic Hive Mind, called the Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System (CT2WS): The Military’s New Cybernetic Hivemind

In other experiments, three monkeys could individually recognize a 2-D image of a dot on a computer screen, but could not move the dot.   When the three monkeys’ brains were linked together, each monkey was able to move the dot around on the screen.  

Directed Energy Weapon:  A ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include weapons that target; missiles, vehicles, and optical devices.  Particle beam weapons can use charged or neutral particles, and can be either endoatmospheric or exoatmospheric. Certain types of particle beams have the advantage of being self-focusing in the atmosphere.  Lockheed Martin brags that “for 40 Years, We Have Developed Our Power To Create Innovative Directed Energy Solutions.”

During the early 1940s Axis engineers developed a sonic cannon that could cause fatal vibrations in its target body. A methane gas combustion chamber leading to two parabolic dishes pulse-detonated at roughly 44 Hz. This sound, magnified by the dish reflectors, caused vertigo and nausea at 200–400 meters (220–440 yd) by vibrating the middle ear bones and shaking the cochlear fluid within the inner ear. At distances of 50–200 meters (160–660 ft), the sound waves could act on organ tissues and fluids by repeatedly compressing and releasing compressive resistant organs such as the kidneys, spleen, and liver. In practice, the weapon was highly vulnerable to enemy fire. Rifle, bazooka and mortar rounds easily deformed the parabolic reflectors, rendering the wave amplification ineffective.

In the later phases of World War II, Nazi Germany increasingly put its hopes on research into technologically revolutionary secret weapons, the Wunderwaffe.  Among the directed-energy weapons the Nazis investigated were X-ray beam weapons. developed under Heinz Schmellenmeier, Richard Gans and Fritz Houtermans. They built an electron accelerator called Rheotron (invented by Max Steenbeck at Siemens-Schuckert in the 1930s, these were later called Betatrons by the Americans) to generate hard X-ray synchrotron beams for the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM). The intent was to pre-ionize ignition in aircraft engines and hence serve as anti-aircraft DEW and bring planes down into the reach of the flak. The Rheotron was captured by the Americans in Burggrub on April 14, 1945.

DEW Countermeasures

                      DEW Countermeasures DEW At Nose

            Sub DEW                           Drone DEW                         Air DEW 

      DEW Starting CA “WildFires”              

BREAKING NEWS – Woolsey Fire – Evidence …

Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum:  The continuum of all electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency and wavelength. The sun, earth, and even human bodies radiate electromagnetic energy of varying wavelengths. Electromagnetic energy passes through the atmosphere at the speed of light in the form of waves. (6.6 hertz ELF waves can cause depression;  7.83 hertz ELF creates an altered state of mind; a 10.80 hertz ELF can trigger riotous behavior, anger.)

Electromagnetic (EM) Weapons utilize the various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to harass, disable or kill the target. Psychotronic weapons are those EM weapons that interact with the nervous system. These weapons usually operate in the very low (100 to 1,000 Hz) or extremely low frequency ranges. The criminal abuse of Synthetic Telepathy, Remote Neural Monitoring and S-Quad, Voice-to-Skull, as related to Microwave Auditory Effect (MAE) are extremely powerful, dangerous weapons to harass, control, and rape the mind of every person on the planet.

Electronic Harassment:  Electromagnetic energy torture, or psychotronic torture, having the microwave auditory effect (MAE). A radar and surveillance technology to transmit sounds and thoughts into people’s heads, affect people’s bodies, used to harass individuals or groups.  

Electronic Warfare (EW):  Represents the ability to use the electromagnetic spectrum—signals such as radio, infrared or radar—to sense and communicate and be used as weapons. 

Full-spectrum Dominance: A military entity’s achievement of control over all dimensions of the battlespace, effectively possessing an overwhelming diversity of resources in such areas as terrestrial, aerial, maritime, subterranean, extraterrestrial, psychological, and bio- or cyber-technological warfare.  Full spectrum dominance includes the physical battlespace; air, surface and subsurface as well as the electromagnetic spectrum and information space.  Control implies that freedom of opposition force assets to exploit the battlespace is wholly constrained.

Lilly Wave:  John C. Lilly (January 6, 1915-September 30, 2001) was a physician, neuroscientist and inventor. During WWII he conducted high-altitude research and later trained as a psychoanalyst.  In 1954, with the aim of isolating the brain from external stimulation, he devised the first isolation tank.  A decade later, he began experimenting with psychedelics, including LSD, often while floating in isolation. He was a member of the counterculture with Werner Erhard and Timothy Leary. Upon learning his work had been weaponized and used against Americans, without their knowledge or consent, Lilly left his research behind.  Dr. Lilly inspired two Hollywood movies, The Day of the Dolphin (1973) and Altered States (1980). The Lilly Wave and psychotronic warfare

In 1959, while working for the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Lilly discovered ultrasonic wave forms coming from the power grid.  He then developed an electrical waveform to balance the current, first in one direction then, with a brief pause in the other direction. The previous unidirectional currents injured the neurons when passed through the brain.  This new waveform was called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair, or the Lilly Wave.  With it, the stimulation and control of the brain’s wave patterns can be accomplished remotely by electromagnetic and acoustic waves.  The Lilly Wave uses pulses, causing the brain’s water molecules to be entrained to a certain frequency.  Example: Radio waves targeted at a person’s head and emitted at a frequency of 40hz entrains the water molecules in the brain to 40hz, then the brain’s electrons will also resonate at 40hz.  Remote control of the brain’s wave patterns is the result.  The Lilly Wave produces any desired brain wave state. By installing the desired brainwave pattern, it can control the targets’ physical movements and emotions.  It is possible to track the Lilly Wave through a spectrum analyzer linked to a signal source, like a TV signal.  The Lilly Wave frequency will be found mostly in the extremely low (EL) and sometimes in the ultra low frequency (ULF) range; HAARP, GWEN towers, cell towers, WI-FI, and the 5G platform all carry the Lilly Wave.  The most important aspect of the Lilly Wave is that it bypasses the brain’s mechanism that resists programming.  

Lilly’s invention was weaponized with electromagnetic applications. One purposely suppressed military application known as the “Madness Frequency”.  It was used in the 1992 Los Angeles Riots as a field test of its ability to mass-control anger and violent responses within the crowd. 

All human beings, all persons who reach adulthood in the world today are programmed… No one of us can escape our own nature as programmable entities.  ~ John C. Lilly

  The Lilly Wave and psychotronic warfare

Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD):  The Long Range Acoustic Device is an acoustic hailing device sends messages and warning tones at higher volumes than normal loudspeakers. Used for long-range communications as a means of non-lethal, non-kinetic crowd control deterrent that affects behavior. According to the manufacturer’s specifications, the systems weigh from 15 to 320 pounds and can emit sound in a 30°- 60° beam at 2.5 kHz.

MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio): Exploits the microwave audio effect (MAE), in which short microwave pulses rapidly heats tissue, causing a shockwave inside the skull that is detected by the ears.  A series of pulses can be transmitted to produce recognisable sounds.  Dr. Robert Duncan says the shockwaves produce small concussions to the brain.  In 2003–04, WaveBand Corp. had a contract from the U.S. Navy for the design of this MAE system they termed MEDUSA that was intended to temporarily incapacitate personnel through remote application. The weapon was intended for military use and crowd control applications, but may have other uses. Microwave ray controls crowds with noise 

The MEDUSA: A Microwave Sound Weapon | WIRED

Mental Telepathy System (MTS):  Dates back as far as the Kennedy Administration.  Many attribute it to Nazi neuroscience technologies developed during WWII.  Mental telepathy technology was an evolving, joint development of the US intelligence forces, the CIA, and the Soviet KGB.  Americans developed the MTS satellites that play a primary role in propagating the MTS effects across geographical areas.  This is a system that operates by radio waves and microwaves, that can broadcast voices and sensations at a distance.  The system involves transmitters, antennas and amplifying devices.  

In the early 1960’s the Soviets’ MTS was deployed in western nations for experimentation with mood-altering frequencies.  The American MTS was partially operated by the KGB, and politically fell under the clauses of the SALT I and II Treaties.  Under the SALT provisions, the Soviets were allowed to operate MTS in US diplomatic colony zones, such as Berkley, CA, known as the Pacifica Colony Zone.  MTS was used by the USG in Berkeley and San Francisco, CA to foment the Free Love movement and anti-war demonstrations. 

Mental health reports reflect that approximately 3-5 million diagnosed cases of schizophrenia or related abnormal psychology exist in the US. These people hear voices in their heads and can experience visions. Without knowledge, many people are under the influence of the MTS.  From Walter Bowart’s book, Operation Mind Control: The CIA’s Plot Against America, “MTS is used for psycho-electronic mind control and mimics psychic phenomena…  operates by radio waves and microwaves, broadcasting messages or directives with visual images…” This can manifest in bizarre and disturbing psychopathic outbreaks that appear from time to time in the news media.”   In the 1970’s, David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam, said he heard voices coming from the dog in his victim’s neighboring yard. The dog was encouraging and directing Berkowitz to kill the victim. In 1991, a foreign student at UC Berkeley took hostages at a street cafe, claiming he was under the influence of government mind control experiments. Were both the results of the use of MTS?

Microwave Auditory Effect (MAE):  Also known as the microwave hearing effect, or the Frey effect.  This effect was first reported during World War II by those working near radar transponders.  The microwave auditory effect  is the perception of audible clicks or speech, induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies. Frey described it as “a buzz, click, hiss, or knocking, depending on various transmitter parameters, i.e., pulse width and pulse-repetition rate.  The communications are generated directly inside the human head without an electronic receiving device. 

American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon, and was the first American to publish on the MAE. Frey’s Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy appeared in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 1961.  In his experiments, the subjects were able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation, from a distance of a few inches to hundreds of feet from the transmitter.  In Frey’s tests, a repetition rate of 50 Hz was used, with pulse width between 10–70 microseconds. The perceived loudness was found to be linked to the peak power density, instead of average power density. At 1.245 GHz, the peak power density for perception was below 80 mW/cm2.  By changing transmitter parameters, Frey was able to induce the “perception of severe buffeting of the head, without apparent vestibular symptoms as dizziness or nausea”.  Other transmitter parameters induced a pins and needles sensation. Frey also experimented with nerve-deaf subjects, and speculated that the cochlea was the detecting mechanism.  

In 1974, Kenneth Foster, a University of Pennsylvania bioengineering professor published research on the MAE, saying that because of human biophysics the device “would kill you well before you were bothered by the noise”.  According to professor at the University of Washington, Bill Guy, “There’s a misunderstanding by the public and even some scientists about this auditory effect, and there couldn’t possibly be a hazard from the sound, because the heat would get you first”.  Since the radiation levels approached the (then current) 10 mW/cm² limit of safe exposure, critics have observed that brain damage from thermal effects of high power microwave radiation would occur, and there was “no conclusive evidence for MAE at lower energy densities”.

  Microwave Auditory Effect

Nanotechnology:  Nanotechnologies are profound weapons of the Silent War. K. Eric Drexler is the scientist who coined the term Nanotechnology, and was discussing Nanotech as early as 1959 in a speech There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom.  Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on a nano-scale.  At such tiny scales, nanos defy the ordinary rules of physics and chemistry, bordering on the quantum.  Nanoparticles are used in GMO crops, drugs, soft drinks, vaccines and a host of others.  The Nanoparticle size and capability for avoiding detection makes for some revolutionary products and military weapons, yet there is great secrecy surrounding their development.  The dangers of Nanoweapons is based on the ranking of Nanotech­nology by the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference at the University of Oxford as the most probable means to cause human extinction.  

Dr. J. Eric Dressler warned of “developing extremely powerful, extremely dangerous technologies”. In his book Engines of Creation, Dressler envisioned that self-replicating nanos might escape the control of humans.  From a paper published in 2003 by Anisa Mnyusiwalla, Abdallah Daar and Peter Singer: “As the science of Nanotechnology leaps ahead, the ethics lags behind. Serious study of its ethical, environmental, legal and social implications does not reach the speed of progress in this science.”   Their concerns include the toxicity of bulk Nanoparticles accumulating and remaining in the environment and in humans; accumulation in the food chain; having unforeseen impacts on human health; and that the public has not been sufficiently educated on the applications and lack of regulations. In 2001, Singer stated the US-based National Nanotechnology Initiative allocated $16-28 Million to study societal implications yet spent less than half that amount. Concluding that unless rapid action is taken, research into Nanotechnology could progress faster than systems can be put in place to regulate the applications and their uses. Growing the Nanotechnology innovations is of higher importance than public health concerns, with little to no efforts to establish guidelines and standards.

The term Chemtrails was given to us by the US Air Force Academy, Course 131, in 1990, and are themselves a weapon Explained: 1990 USAF Academy Chemtrails Manual [Riff on “Contrails” Handbook] / US Air Force “Chemtrails” Manual Available For Download.  Chemtrails are just one part of the seven part geoengineering program for Full Spectrum Dominance. This dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operation, conducted by the USG, G8 and NATO are under the guise of national security.  Citizens watch with great concern as toxic chemicals morph into synthetic, chemicalized, white curtains covering our sky.  I’m guessing, or hoping, most already know about Chemtrails:    Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War;  Over the past several decades, independent lab testing of debris left from Chemtrail aerosols reported dangerous toxic levels. In addition to the standard Chemtrail poisons, the tests also found Nanoaluminum, Nano-coated fiberglass and Nanopolymer fibers. Due to their size, Nanoparticles are easily breathed in by mammals and absorbed by plants. Nanoparticles breach the Blood-Brain-Barrier, and aluminum damages neurological brain function causing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and diminishes intellectual functioning. Nanoparticles eventually become a toxic brew inside our bodies, embedding to establish networks that have the quality of a pseudo-lifeform, or synthetic biology. These tiny polymers, wires, crystals, self-replicate and self-assemble into structures that perform specific functions, according to those who programmed them, such as antennas for sending and receiving data. Frequencies activate them, especially HAARP, 5G and the SMART grid.  For more general info on Nanotech see: 

Nanoweapon: Award-winning physicist and former executive at IBM and Honeywell, Louis Del Monte led advancements in microelectronics and microsensors. His book, Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat To Humanity, is a serious attempt to address the development and deployment of Nanoweapons.  Del Monte writes that “Nanoweapons include Nano-enhanced lasers, Nano-swarm drones, Nano-munitions and Nano-bioweapons with delivery systems”.  “The applications include quantum enabled communications and surveillance, increased explosive force, self-replication, and artificial intelligence that can target certain individuals and search and destroy targets, having no human input.”  Scientists have already built Nanobots, made from DNA that can sort and carry molecules inside the body and deliver drugs to the bloodstream.  The US military can release millions of artificially intelligent Nano-fly drones programmed to target any populace having DNA commonalities.  Nanoweapons parallel strategic nuclear weapons that have the capability to destroy nations. While considerable resources have been dedicated to countering nu­clear weapons, little is publicly known about Nanoweapons. This is concerning because some Nanoweapons can be produced similar to biological pathogens. A combination of nano- and biotechnologies has generated a new class of Nano-bioweapons that can hit human targets even indoors.  The combination of information and Nanotechnology in the form of artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity.

Neural Weapon: An advancement of remote neural activity sensing technology.  These guns remotely disrupt brain activity. Being hit by neural gun fire causes unconsciousness, disorientation, mind assault, or even death and has other random effects.

No-Touch Torture:  Torture that relies primarily on psychological effects, and secondarily on the physical. The target’s brain releases dopamine which causes pupil dilation, and acts as sensory overload. Body metabolism can be altered with these weapons causing cold and hot flashes. No-Touch Torture Techniques – Neural Guantanamo

Plasma Weapon:  Plasma weapons fire a beam, bolt, or stream of plasma, which is an excited state of matter consisting of atomic electrons and nuclei and free electrons if ionized, or other particles if pinched.  As soon as lasers were invented in the 1950s the military started turning them into weapons. The 1990s tests were part of the Pentagon’s plan to develop more effective nonlethal ways to engage a target.  The intense laser pulse lasted just a few microseconds, but created a brilliant flash and a loud bang, as though the target had been hit by an explosive projectile.  It’s a weapon akin to Star Trek’s fictional phaser, with the ability to warn, dazzle, deafen, stun, or burn.

Plasma weapons have direct application to many USG agencies, as well as civilian law enforcement.  The Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Department of Justice, the Secret Service, and Customs and Border Protection also desire this full spectrum of effects capability for security and crowd control applications and include several municipal applications.

Psychotronic Warfare/Radionics or PSI Warfare: The basic principles that are used are referred to as radionics.  This is stealth warfare. The science of psychotronics was developed over 100 years ago. In 1987 a U.S. National Academy of Sciences report, commissioned by the Army Research Institute, noted Psychotronics as one example of psychic warfare, citing psychotronic weapons such as the Hyperspatial Nuclear Howitzer Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden, a patented weapon of the Air Force Research Laboratory. Using microwaves to send spoken words into human minds, the aim is to disable attackers or wage psychological warfare (see V2K and TIs).  These are electronic machines that send beams of energy, or frequencies, directly to people’s brains and bodies. The same method is used to brainwash people to believe certain information and not other information, by making subtle suggestions to them via electronic beams or frequencies. More:  Hypnosis And Brainwashing.  In The Excalibur Briefing, Dr. Tom Bearden details the basic concepts of what is involved in the ‘hyperspace-virtual-state”.   

Russian psychotronic weapons were reportedly used for Legionnaires disease and in sinking the USS Thresher.  In 2018, doctors and scientists theorized that microwave strikes in Cuba caused sonic delusions and very real brain damage among US embassy staff and family members. New York Times September 1, 2018

Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM):  The National Security Agency (NSA) has developed a very efficient method of controlling the human brain.  RNM works remotely to control the brain to detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible offender.  The applications are for pre-crime detection  (Minority Report movie). Remote Neural Monitoring: Is It Possible to Spy on Someone’s Thoughts?

                                                        Remote Neural Monitoring

Silent Sound Technology:  The sounds are subliminal, making them virtually undetectable and dangerous to the general public.  Computers analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these emotion signature clusters on another computer, and silently induce and change the emotional state. The two main methods are direct microwave induction into the brain and ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies.  Silent hypnosis can be transmitted using a voice frequency modulator, the output appears to be a steady tone like tinnitus, but with hypnotic suggestions embedded. Pavlovian hypnotic triggers contain a phrase or sensory cue, where the subject is programmed to involuntarily act in a certain way. There are online groups worldwide, where thousands of people share their experiences of being a Targeted Individual and of being covertly harassed by these technologies. “Silent Sound Spread Spectrum: The Relentless Invasion of Our Minds”  A patent for Silent Sound Spread Spectrum or S-quad was filed in 1992: US6470214B1 – Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect

Synthetic Telepathy or Artificial Telepathy: Electronically transfers thought directly to and from the brain. The technology is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph (EEG). The US Army gave a team of University of California researchers a $4 million grant to study the foundations of synthetic telepathy, and stated, “The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) would use a noninvasive brain imaging technology to let people communicate thoughts to each other, example: A soldier would “think” a message to be transmitted and a computer-based speech recognition system would decode the EEG signals. The decoded thoughts, or translated brain waves, are transmitted using a system that points in the direction of the target”. 

Brain-to-brain communication between humans through the use of technology was once confined to the realm of pseudoscience, telepathy as a process of thought-exchange, or even mind control, and now seems inevitable, thanks to rapid advances in BCI technology. Similar technology is marketed as a way to control video games by thought.  Army Funds ‘Synthetic Telepathy’ Research; Biohack info  Synthetic Telepathy;   Synthetic Telepathy

Synthetic Telepathy – Biohacking

Targeted Individuals, or TIs:  Victims of these technologies.  Many are coming forward, describing the electronic harassment and electromagnetic torture they have endured.  They state these weapons have been used on them by their own governments, alphabet agencies and even by civilians paid by these agencies, as well as by mind controlled, programmed members of cults and satanic groups.  The US Army Intelligence initially classified these weapons SECRET but then declassified many, and admitted that microwave weapons are “being used that can incapacitate the targeted individual…”. 

Using Through the Wall Radar (below) produces noise, scenst, physical pain, mental confusion, insomnia, extreme cold or burning sensations, pain, unusual and/or recurring sexual urges or esperiences of sodomy and rape,sleep paralysis with demonic visitation, heart palpitations, and  illness and death. Specific frequencies affect the victims’ minds with hallucinations and can cause mental illness.  With the use of laptops, cell phones, lasers, dazzlers, hand held microwave devices, plasma beams, and other Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), organized stalkers deprive the TI of their basic constitutional rights and destroy their freedom by setting the stage for their destruction socially, mentally and physically.  The TIs endure a vast array of covert attacks at home, at work and on the city streets, with frequent acts of destruction to personal property and the killing of pets.  

Most often, friends and family members are unaware of these Silent Weapons being in existence, and do not believe the victim; thinking it’s all in their mind, thus producing further isolating. The medical profession ascribes the reports as the result of delusional disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis; all of which may result in commitment to inpatient mental healthcare facilities or outpatient  therapy and prescribed drugs in.  (Learn more:  Voice to Skull (V2k))

Through-The-Wall Radar: Radar for the detection and the localization (in a noncooperative way) of people in a room with the radar situated outside.  Using a through-dielectric switched-antenna-array radar imaging system produces real-time imagery to detect human beings in motion inside a building, behind walls.  This system operates at S-band, providing a frame rate of 0.5 Hz. The switched-antenna-array sensor was shown to be effective at imaging human targets through 10 cm thick solid concrete.  

Microwave Camera Sensing

V2K or Voice of God: A psychotronic voice-to-skull advanced form of the MTS is known as Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy.  It is classified as psychic warfare and no-touch torture.  The American military sought to develop microwave weapons that could invisibly beam painfully loud booms and spoken words into people’s minds.  V2K is part of a broader weapon array known as Offensive Information Warfare Information Warfare Offensive.  

Dr. Robert Duncan worked for government agencies like CIA, DARPA, Department of Defense (DoD) on a technology which is called Voice of God (VoG). Voice of God means that they can put voices into an individual’s head and then control these individuals. The individuals that are being targeted are known as Targeted Individuals (TI’s) THE VOICE OF GOD (DR. ROBERT DUNCAN).    After a person is subjected to V2K, they can easily be controlled because their thought processes have been depatterned and repatterned, rewired. Dr. Robert Duncan describes this V2K technology as having four different techniques to pipe voices into the brain. Duncan has reported that dreams can be hacked and new ones implanted in the subconscious mind, among other mind manipulations, with V2K.  Duncan stated, “In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency… for these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range… when the brain reaches the 2.5Hz, it is vulnerable to implantation of ideas and suggestions for behavioral modification… and opens the way for acoustic manipulation of a subject’s nervous system.”  “This method is used on the general public for sleep disturbance, to instill anxiety, for unusual sexual arousal, and more.”  

The March 23, 1991 newsbrief, High-tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East, describes a US Psychological Operations (PsyOps) tactic directed against Iraqi troops in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm. This consisted of a system in which subliminal mind-altering technology was carried on standard radio-frequency broadcasts. The March 26, 1991 newsbrief said that among the standard military planning groups in the centre of US war planning operations at Riyadh was “an unbelievable and highly classified PsyOps program utilising ‘silent sound’ techniques”. The opportunity to use this method occurred when Saddam Hussein’s military command-and-control system was destroyed. The Iraqi troops were then forced to use commercial FM radio stations to carry encoded commands, which were broadcast on the 100 MHz frequency. The US PsyOps team set up its own portable FM transmitter, utilising the same frequency, in the city of Al Khafji. This US transmitter overpowered the local Iraqi station. Along with religious music and PsyOps transmitted “vague, confusing and contradictory military orders and information”. This technology was dubbed Voice of God, due to the enemy soldiers believing they heard the ‘voice of Allah’ telling them to lay down their weapons, and they did.  Paul McGuire: Mind Control Won The Gulf War. V2K Voice of God

Until you realize how easily it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s gam.  ~Walter H. Browart, Operation Mind Control 

One More…  As we come to the end of this long journey, there is just one more mile of a quite possibly very impactful technology…

Project Blue Beam:  A technology for mass holographic and audiological deception.  Blue Beam shoots giant holograms and synthetic telepathy into the sky, day or night.   This has been tested on unsuspecting citizens to gauge their reactions.  Strange sights like giant floating cities have been reported, seen and filmed by multiple witnesses on different continents.  A “phantom city” was seen over China as early as 2011.  As recently as October 2015, the UK Express reported that floating cities had been seen in China.  First over Foshan in the Guangdong province, and a few days later in the province of Jiangxi.  In May, 2015 villagers in Dulali, in Lanzai South Ward, Darazo, Africa also witnessed a city floating over their village on multiple occasions, replete with cars and mechanical noises, a sight they attributed to Allah.  Five minute video of China’s floating city in sky: Project Blue Beam? “Floating City” Appears in the Sky over China  

With Blue Beam capabilities, electronically projecting and augmenting two-way communication, using ELF, VLF and LF from the SMART grid, satellites, etc., and utilizing Synthetic Telepathy, the Blue Beam tech can reach every person on earth–within their own mind!  Some have noticed the similarity of Project Blue Beam to the plots of Gene Roddenberry’s unreleased 1975 Star Trek movie The God Thing and the 1991 and Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Devil’s Due. Imagine those scenarios are not science fiction but technology for mass deceptions and psychological manipulations.  

In 1994, Canadian Serge Monast published Project Blue Beam NASA and detailed his claim that NASA, with the help of the United Nations, was attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist as its messiah, via a technologically simulated Second Coming of Christ.  In 1995, he published his most detailed work, Les Protocoles de Toronto, modelled upon The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, wherein he said a Masonic group called “6.6.6” had, for twenty years, been gathering the world’s powerful to establish the New World Order and control the minds of individuals.  In 1995 and 1996, Monast said he was being hunted by the authorities for involvement in “networks of prohibited information.”  He had homeschooled his children, who were taken away and made wards of the state in September 1996 so that they would receive the approved public education. Monast died of a heart attack in December 1996, at age 51, the day after being arrested.  His friends claim his death was suspicious, suggesting he was assassinated by “psychotronic weapons” to keep from spreading secret information.  Jerry Fletcher, the Mel Gibson character in the 1997 film Conspiracy Theory, was modelled on him.  Project Blue Beam NASA is a quick and informative read. 

For almost twenty years massive amounts of Americans’ personal information has fed supercomputers with data holding our personal language and any religious beliefs we may have. The SWS predicts our emotions and behaviors. I’m going somewhere with this…  With Blue Beam, and the techs we’ve covered here, imagine world governments using overhead holograms of highly realistic, god-like personal deities and the vision starts talking to you. Everyone on earth is “hearing” their god speak to them from the very depths of their soul.  Is this the return of Christ, or the appearance of a personal prophet or messiah?  In this scenario, each image merges with all the others around the world, forming one beautiful, “benevolent” supreme being, proclaiming that the Bible, the Koran, and other religious texts are wrong.  It goes on to explain how archeological finds and much history are erroneous, and has come to save us all from all the chaos, pestilence, disease and wars.  Would you believe it is real?  This is not sci-fi, the technology goes back to at least the 1970s!

Could Blue Beam be the technological mechanism for fabricating the “great deception”?  The one referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2:11, predicting that in the end-times God will send “a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.”  This speaks of the deception as God’s punishment on people who refuse to believe the truth.   

Jesus spoke about a time when the deception will be especially great, even the people of God could be deceived, if it were not for God’s providential protection: “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:5–6, Luke 21:8).   This great deception is associated with the satanic work of the Antichrist and his displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.  The context seems to be similar to the passages speaking of one who will be especially deceptive: “The coming of the lawless one, by the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth. 

I can’t separate the spiritual from the physical, and I think technology and the human spirit are two sides of the same coin. The destructive spirit of Lucifer or Satan, (whatever you call him, have no doubt, he is real), has permeated science and technology. Afterall, the prince and power of the air(waves) is Lucifer.  This is the spiritual battle. Silent weapons and advanced technologies are what we should be learning about and discussing now, but have no fear of it because God has allowed and approved it all.   

Pulsed electromagnetic fields reach every person on earth  now.  The power grid, SMART grid, satellites; all those frequency-emitting home and personal devices, and those we’ve explored here, are sending frequencies that encompass us, and Full Spectrum Dominance can easily be achieved.  The frequencies interfere with our sleep, affect our health and damage our cellular structures.  These technologies are dangerous to all living things. Even our thoughts can be artificial, but we believe them to be our own.  Last night, I’d just read a line in a book that I totally agreed with.  It was an obvious and blatantly solid  concept.  Immediately after reading it, I heard in my mind, “that’s BS”. Am I going nuts or was that a beamed thought?  Since I’m out in front of the tech, I know it was beamed, thus no fear.

When I first stumbled upon some of the topics that I share with you, I was sometimes overwhelmed with fear.  I asked for the fear to be removed, and immediately “the peace that passes all understanding” filled me, and fear has never returned.  We have been programmed to think on the emotional level which is dangerous. When the mind is in a state of fear, anger, or any negative emotion, the power of suggestion is readily accepted and the mind is easily programmed to comply with the suggested narrative. In addition to much propaganda, the Hegelian Dialectic is often, surreptitiously, used to socially engineer us to follow a path formulated by the controllers, having no beneficence toward us.  If we enter a fearful or angry state, we are more likely to follow the fallacious intended course, and give our unspoken acceptance and agreement.  The Hegelian Dialectic relies on: A promotable Problem… to obtain our fearful or angry Reaction… that is required for the pre-planned, nefarious Solution.  

Fear is a primal human state that robs us of the ability to think rationally, to come to logical conclusions.   Fear makes us readily accept any narrative, no matter how nonsensical it is.  The Weapon of Fear: How They Use Fear to Manipulate You   This is Social Engineering, to move us closer to the goals of the New World Order agenda.  

Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of fear. ~Bertrand Russell 

No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper…   ~Isaiah 54:17


Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed – Dr.Robert Duncan

Operation Mind Control: The CIA’s Plot Against America – Walter Bowart

Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked – Adam Alter

The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: Nasa’s Nazis, JFK, And Majic-12 The Nazi’s Incredible Secret Technology – Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Dangers to Humanity: AI, U.S., China, Big Tech, Facial Recognition, Drones, Smart Phones, IoT, 5G, Robotics, Cybernetics, & Bio-Digital Social Programming – Cyrus Parsa 

The New Brain: How the Modern Age Is Rewiring Your Mind by – Dr. Richard Restak

The Enslaved Queen: A Memoir about Electricity and Mind Control – Wendy Hoffman

PROJECT BLUE BEAM – The Quest For A New World Order And The Rule Of The Antichrist – Aidan Brophilius 

Project Blue Beam (NASA) – Serge Monast

Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship – Phillip Collins & Paul Collins

Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11 – Judy Wood

Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth – Elana Freeland

Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat To Humanity – Louis A. Del Monte

The Singularity is Near – Ray Kurzweil

Transhumanism: The History of a Dangerous Idea, by David Livingstone

The Fear Factor: How One Emotion Connects Altruists, Psychopaths and Everyone In-Between – Abigail Marsh

Other Sources:


Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

When Seeing and Hearing Isn’t Believing:

The Scientist Who Controlled People with Brain Implants

DARPA on Your Mind

Silent Sound Technology

5G Spectrum and Frequencies: Everything You Need to Know

Mind Control Technology ‘Lilly Wave’ Is Far Advanced Beyond What We Know |


Voice to Skull (V2k)

A Primer on V2K vs. Mind-Reading Technologies


Directed Energy Weapons

The Dawn of Anti-Personnel Directed-Energy Weapons

DOD Officials Discuss Framework for Advancing Directed Energy Weapons

Lockheed Martin – Directed Energy

The Other MEDUSA: A Microwave Sound Weapon

The Microwave Scream Inside Your Skull | WIRED

Microwave ray gun controls crowds with noise

Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity

Are Nanoweapons Paving the Road to Human Extinction?

Role of Nanotechnology in Futuristic Warfare

Micro-Drones Combined With DNA Hacking Could Create A Very Scary Future

Opening Pandora’s box

10 Secret US Government Operations, Revealed

paperclipcia.pdf – The Black Vault

Project Paperclip: Nazis in America by John W. Whitehead 5/2/2005 Few Americans have heard of Project Paperclip. Among those wh

Interview with Dr. Patrick Flanagan Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Technology and Weapons:

Discovery Allows Your Electric Company to Control Your Mind

Pentagon scientists are making talking plasma laser balls for use as non-lethal weapons

New MIT Laser Device Whispers Secret Sounds Into Your Ear


Voice of God Weapon, Synthetic Telepathy, Cybernetic Hive 

Cops get handheld radar that can “detect people breathing” through walls

SOFWERX neuroweapons lecture made the UN’s site about no touch torture.”UN

US Govt Develops a Matrix-Like World Simulating the Virtual You


23 Mind Control US Patents 1956- 2003

US8862235B1 – Brain implant device

US6470214B1 – Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effects

Voice to Skull” Microwave Device: 4877027

Patent For Microwave Voice-To-Skull Technology – Patent 4,877,027

Transmitter/receiver (telepathy) gravitational waves Patent FR2661295 

US6506148B2 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

US 5159703 A – Silent subliminal presentation system

US6011991A – Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity

Patent 6,470,214  Microwave Device

Patents of Mind Control and Behavior Modification Technologies • Organized Stalking and Mind Control / Electronic Harassment

You may obtain copies of Pat Flanagan‘s Neurophone patents by writing to the U.S. Patent Office and ordering Patent No. 3,393,279 granted July 16, 1968 and Patent No. 3,647,970 granted March 7, 1972. The rights to Patent No. 3,393,279 are owned by Intelectron, Inc. of New York City. The FDA will not permit it to be marketed because it uses a low frequency r-f carrier, and they are very sensitive these days about the biological effects of r-f radiation.  At the behest of the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce placed Flanagan’s new device under secrecy order No. 756,124 dated August 28, 1968. Flanagan was able to get this secrecy order rescinded in 1972 to permit the patent to be issued.


Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Media Manipulation

What They Never Bothered to Tell Us…

The Lilly Wave, Mind Control Frequency

V2K Against Citizens:

Bio-Coded Directed Energy Voice to Skull (V2K) Transmissions via DNA Resonance

Paul McGuire: Mind Control Won The Gulf War. V2K Voice of God.

Dr Robert Duncan – systemy kontroli i technologia “hive mind”

DARPA Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan Interview, 2/28/15–How to Create a “Super Spy”, No-Touch Torture & Trauma-Based Conditioning Programs

Dr Robert Duncan Lecture 2 Intelligent Systems of Control

DARPA Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan Interview, 2/28/15–How to Create a “Super Spy”, No-Touch Torture & Trauma-Based Conditioning Programs

Dr. Robert Duncan Brain Hacking, Synthetic Telepathy, and Mind Control of Targeted Individuals


Dr. James Giordano Militarized Neuroweapons Presentation



Synthetic Telepathy. Neuro Weapons. Targeted Individuals


WOW!! Extremely Low Frequencies And Mind Control They’re Using Right Now!  Rare info. MUST HEAR!

The Fake Alien Invasion | Project Blue Beam


Michael Hoffman II   People control and mind control

Dr. Geordie Rose | Synthetic Minds, Cooperation & the Future of Humanity

Targeted Individuals DNA used for Remote Neural Monitoring and Mk Ultra Supercomputer Mind Control

Raging Inferno CHOPS a House??  7/31/18

The Truth About Cern Large Hadron Collider