Martin Bormann; Bormann Flight Capital Program; and the Madrid Circular Letter

The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it. ~ Oscar Wilde

The keenest of historians and researchers have found a lot of “hidden history” about how the Nazi elites went underground toward the end of World War Two. To ensure perpetuation of their ongoing ideology of world domination, exit plans and business plans were put into motion prior to the war’s end. The first seeds of the notion of a Nazi-dominated world can be found in the pages of Hitler’s manifesto contained in Mein Kampf (can be found in free PDF form). The official historical narrative is that Hitler dictated this book to Rudolf Hess while both were inmates of Landsberg Prison. Researchers have proven that it was actually the aristocrat Hess who penned the most important portions of Mein Kampf. One goal it reveals is Lebensraum, the territory that a state or nation believes it is entitled to, to be populated with only the “racially pure”.  

“Nazi International” is the organization with a business plan for the postwar Aryan Axis elite. The continuation of the Nazi empire into corporate extensions were meticulously crafted and put into effect by using funds from the immense Nazi Party war chest and from Martin Bormann’s Flight Capital program. Cartel-like front corporations and vast, covert investments were made to further their goals. The Nazis seem to always plan everything far in advance and in minute detail, including their ensuing reorganization of the Third Reich to reemerge with their goal of transforming the world under their invisible power.  Nazi International is an extraterritorial state without borders or capitals; a network of people in the very heights of a gargantuan financial power structure that are willing to commit financial fraud in amounts totaling trillions of dollars to gain a radically advanced and increasingly technological global structure of control.  

The book I needed to fill in some gaps is “The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism”, by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. I highly recommend all of Farrell’s books. He is a Nazi historian and a thorough researcher. Surprisingly, Farrell stated: “The Nazis never actually surrendered…the Third Reich never surrendered because there was no representative of the Reich Chancellory or of the Nazi Party itself at either of the two signatory meetings in which Germany allegedly surrendered to the Allies at the end of the war in Europe in May of 1945.” !!

We begin with the brains behind Adolf Hitler, Martin Bormann, and his brilliant financial plans to distribute massive funds, and to gain even more, as outlined in programs contained in the Madrid Circular Letter, in declassified US government documents, and secret Nazi papers found postwar. 

Martin Bormann

Before World War Two began, Martin Bormann had gained acceptance into Adolf Hitler‘s inner circle and accompanied Hitler everywhere he went. Bormann began acting as Hitler’s personal secretary on August 12, 1935, controlling the flow of information and all access to Hitler. Bormann gained immense power as the treasurer and paymaster of the Nazi Party, controlling its powerful war machine. Bormann, not Hitler, owned the Berghof. The entire complex on the Obersalzberg consisted of 87 buildings and was then worth over one and a half million marks, and all were legally registered in Bormann’s name.  Bormann ran all the Nazi affairs while Hitler ran the war. 

Bormann had successfully supplanted Rudolf Hess after Hess’ solo flight to Britain on May 10, 1941, seeking peace negotiations with the British government.  Hess was arrested upon arrival and spent the rest of the war as a British prisoner, eventually receiving a life sentence for war crimes at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946. (Hess reportedly killed himself by hanging on August 17, 1987.)  Should Hess ever return to Germany, Hitler ordered him to be shot, and then he abolished Hess’ post of Deputy Fuhrer on May 12, 1941. By Fuhrer decree, Bormann succeeded Hess on the Council of Ministers for Defense of the Reich. He was simultaneously awarded the cabinet rank equivalent to Reichsminister.  Bormann became the highest ranking German Nazi Party official as the head of the Nazi Party Chancellery. In this position Bormann was responsible for all Nazi Party appointments, financial accounts, and was answerable only to Hitler. Bormann even signed Hitler’s paycheck!  

During interviews with the CIA, Heinrich Muller vehemently insisted on several occasions that Martin Bormann had died at the end of the war, when in fact Muller had actually helped Bormann escape. Once Muller was confident of employment with the CIA, he confided to Frank Wisner how he arranged the body doubles for Bormann and SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler.  Muller was the master of creating doubles and faked deaths. As Muller searched Sach­sen­hausen concentration camp for prisoners who might resem­ble Bor­mann he found two inmates who had strong resem­blance in stature and facial struc­ture to the Reich­sleiter.  A spe­cial den­tal treatment room was made ready where Hitler’s personal dentist Dr. Hugo Blaschke went to work, over and over again, on the mouth of each man until the teeth matched Bormann’s pre­cisely–right down to the wear and aging of the oral architecture. In April of 1945 the two inmates were brought to the Kur­fuer­sten­strasse to be held until needed at war’s end when they would be assassinated. Under Muller’s skill­ful guid­ance, their remains were buried in the rubble of a freight yard in Berlin. Crafty beyond imag­in­ing, Muller pro­vided skele­tons and skulls for foren­sic experts to pon­der and reach questionable con­clu­sions that suited the pur­pose of Bormann’s “death”.  Both corpses were found and tested by the German authorities to “verify” Bormann’s supposed demise on May 2, 1945.  Another decep­tion had been successfully carried out by Heinrich Muller.

Muller eventually revealed that Bormann and Hans Kammler took flight from Berlin to Hamburg where they boarded a Nazi U-234 submarine for a voyage to America. (Other researchers state the voyage took them directly to South America.)  As Muller’s story goes, the US was short on fissile uranium-235, making it impossible to manufacture the atomic bomb.  According to Muller, a secret agreement had been made between Bormann and Allen Dulles for the US to obtain the necessary bomb-making materials that the Nazis had plenty of.  In exchange, Dulles ensured Bormann’s and Kammler’s secret release to freedom in America.  With the submarine receiving quiet, covert Allied protection during the transport of the two Nazis, the uranium and the infrared fuses, the sub’s voyage rendezvoused with a large fishing vessel in the Atlantic, and ultimately arrived under darkness on the coast of Kennebunkport, Maine. (Perhaps landing at the George Herbert Walker estate?)  Kammler was the head of top secret advanced weapons technology and had been put in charge of Bormann’s special evacuation command. The command which appears to have successfully evacuated the Nazi Bell via a Junkers 390. According to Muller, Bormann would later continue to South America. 

Until CBS’ Paul Manning resumed the dormant investigation of Bormann’s disappearance and looked into the Nazi money trail, much remained hidden in official government documents, now partially released. Manning was one of eight journalists that had participated in a training program during WWII with the United States Eighth Air Force.  Flying over England the journalists learned how to identify enemy planes, parachute, and were trained to shoot weapons. The men of The Writing 69th included Walter Cronkite of UPI, Andy Rooney of the Stars and Stripes, and Robert Post of The New York Times. Manning was also a close friend to prominent war correspondent Edward Murrow.  Manning had been following a trail of financial information that Ladislas Farago revealed in his book “Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich” when he came across a check signed by Bormann for several million dollars. The check was drawn on a Chase Manhattan Bank account and cleared by Deutsche Bank. Bormann’s released FBI files reflected that Bormann had been banking from his office in Germany with the Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941, and he held one joint account with the Argentine dictator and Nazi supporter Juan Perón. Bormann had also written checks on demand accounts in National City Bank of New York, and the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co, all cleared through Deutsche Bank.  Manning took the financial information and his manuscript to Allen Dulles, who told Manning, “You’re on the right track”.  

Paul Manning’s book, “Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile” details the story of the Bormann Flight Capital Program. The Intelligence report shown in his book is valid, and I have found the report in other books and in released US Treasury and US Intelligence reports. Manning was a brave man to even attempt to write this book. Someone broke his publisher’s legs after the book had been out for just one week, then the publisher’s son was killed. Coincidence? Someone did not want this information made public. Did the trouble begin when Manning went to Allen Dulles? 

Regarding Martin Bormann, Manning stated: “He is residing in an Argentine safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history, as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being.”   Quoting a former CIA contract pilot who once flew to Bormann’s Argentine ranch, the pilot told Manning, “the estate is remote, and worth your life unless you enter their air space with the right identification codes”.  Paul Manning: “During years of research for this book, I have become aware of Heinrich Muller and his security force, which provides protection for the leadership in Latin America, and wherever else they travel–to Europe and to the United States to check on investments and profits.”  “I observed that Muller hadn’t lost his touch in the field of surveillance, judging by the quality, skill, and number [of people] who tracked me wherever I went…”  As a reminder, Heinrich Muller was employed by the CIA. 

In his book, Manning relates his direct negotiations with Mueller for interviews with Bormann and his leadership team. In addition to securing a videotaped interview with Bormann, Manning was negotiating to get copies of documents from the Nazi organization itself. Muller agreed to Manning’s request to bring along a three-man camera crew from CBS to film the conversations, and the Nazis even approved a personal thumbprint of Bormann, which would be positive proof of his identity.  Later most of Manning’s requests were vetoed. Manning:  “Above all, Borman’s story is one of the most amazing and successful financial and industrial cloaking actions in history, of which he is justifiably proud.”  In testimony given to Nuremberg investigators, Hermann Schmitz, CEO of IG Farben, praised Bormann for the way he had directed the distribution of German assets around the world. His own Farben structural organization had, of course, contributed to the success of Bormann’s operation.  

Bormann Flight Capital Program

After the battle of Stalingrad (August 23, 1942 – February 2, 1943), it was clear that Germany was going to lose the war, and Martin Bormann began formulating various strategic plans. One of the most important was for the funding requirements the Nazis would need to reestablish Germany’s industrial and technological base, with the goal of becoming the major influencer of Europe, with the ultimate aim of gaining control over the entire world.  Bormann planned to divide the German advanced technologies in half, between the two countries, equally. If as the ‘Nazi-Allied-Soviet Legend’ states, the US was given the ‘creme de la creme’ of Nazi specialists and technology how does one account for the very early, and consistent Soviet Russian lead in space achievements during the cold war?  Early Soviet accomplishments indicate another hole in the legend. Perhaps it was just a story to continue the cold war between the two superpowers. Nonetheless, what the two superpowers did not know was that Bormann was keeping the most important advanced technologies, the scientists, and the leaders of German industry for his own dreams of future advanced weapons’ development.

The Nazi wealth accumulated from the war effort was immense, and the benefactors wanted to protect it from the hands of the Allied forces. Under Bormann’s Flight Capital program, German industry would take steps in preparation for a postwar financial campaign, with the German firms making alliances with old contacts of foreign firms throughout the world. The capital would be diverted via Swiss banks to neutral countries to form shell companies. The shell companies would help to start a Fourth Reich after things cooled down. Martin Bormann called for a meeting with all the major German industrialists where his financial plans would be revealed. The meeting with the big brands of Germany was secret, as any talks about Germany’s imminent defeat was considered treason. Bormann placed SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Johann Friedrich Scheid in charge. The meeting involved heads of IG Farben, Krupp AG, Messerschmitt AG, Zeiss, Siemens, Leica, et al. The August 10, 1944 Red House meeting produced the Red House Report. The conference was held at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg, France. 

At the beginning of the meeting Dr. Scheid informed the attendees that “German industry must realize that the war cannot now be won, and we must take steps to prepare for a postwar commercial campaign which will in time insure the economic resurgence of Germany.”  Scheid briefed the leaders of German industry on Bormann’s plan:  “From now on, German industry must make contacts and alliances with foreign firms. The Party and the Third Reich will stand behind every firm with permissive and financial support.”  The leaders from the German corporations were instructed to create hundreds of front companies around the world, with a Nazi party liason secretly at the head of each new company. They were instructed to transfer patents and technical personnel to reconstruct their technologies within the new companies. Dr. Scheid cited the fact that patents would be used for the Nazis’ benefit; “patents for stainless steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc. in New York and the Krupp AG Company of Germany, jointly, as well as by the US Steel Corporation, and by the American Steel & Wire, and were “all therefore under an obligation to work with the Krupp concern.”  

A smaller conference in the afternoon was presided over by Dr. Bosse, the German Armaments Minister. Bosse stated that “German industrialists must be prepared to finance the continuation of the Nazi Party, which would be forced to go underground…”  The group discussed provisions to continue funding the Nazi Party, and cited the Bush-Walker-Harriman Hamburg-Amerika line as a “typical firm that has been especially helpful in contributing to and protecting German interests”. They were instructed “to begin placing their funds, and wherever possible, place key manpower abroad.”  They were to move massive amounts of cash out of Germany, distributing it all around the world via Swiss banks. Dr. Bosse advised that “There are a number of agencies in Switzerland which for a five percent commission will buy property for German firms, using Swiss cloaks.”  Dr. Bosse predicted that “after the defeat of Germany, the Nazi Party recognizes that certain of its best known industrial leaders will be condemned as war criminals, however in cooperation with the influential Allied industrialists lesser sentences should be given. To help assure the most important members of various German factories are sheltered, wherever possible, they are to be placed in lesser positions as technicians or members of research and design.”   

French financial institutions were central to the Bormann plan. Before D-day four Paris banks were used to siphon NSDAP funds and other German money in France to their bank branches in the colonies, where it was safeguarded and invested for German ownership. There were strong connections between French industrialists and their German counterparts, a structural relationship that had contributed to and facilitated political cooperation during the Occupation. After the blitzkrieg and invasion, the same French businessmen continued working with their German peers. For Bormann’s plan, they agreed to the establishment of German subsidiary firms in France and permitted a general buy-in to French companies. These were the French elite, the well-born, the titled, the bureaucrats and bankers. The Bormann organization continued to wield effective control of the French economy which proceeded smoothly into the postwar era. It was this special economic relationship between German and French industrialists that made it possible for Friedrich Flick to arrange with the French De-Wendel steel firm for the repurchase of his shares in Ruhr coal for $45 million, which started him once again on the road back to wealth, after a few years in prison following his conviction at Nuremberg in 1947. Flick had been sentenced to seven years imprisonment, but was released in 1950–one example of Dr. Bosse’s prediction coming true.

Under the direction of Martin Bormann, using the subsidiary techniques perfected by Hermann Schmitz (CEO of IG Farben) to create front companies, 750 new companies were set up around the world. They became repositories for the liquid wealth of the Third Reich. A national of each country became the nominal head of every company and the board was a mix of German administrators and bank officials. The existing German firms and the 750 new front companies gave the Nazis absolute control over a postwar economic network of prosperous corporations that stretched from the Ruhr to the neutrals. Paul Manning:  “A control that continues today, and is easily maintained through the bearer bonds or shares issued by these corporations to cloak true ownership.”  “Bearer shares require no registration of identity, for such shares are exactly what they mean; the bearer of the majority shares controls the company with no proof required as to how he acquired the bonds. Thus, the Germans who participated as a silent force in Bormann’s postwar commercial campaign insured their command over the industrial and financial institutions that were to move the new Federal Republic of Germany back into the forefront of world economic leadership.” 

Among the countries that figured highly in the Bormann postwar structure was Argentina. Bormann gave the go-ahead in his overall Flight Capital operation to move 800 million Reichsmarks (now worth billions) into Argentina alone, and helped set up the Evita Peron Foundation, with Bormann in control of it. Bormann’s business operations also included Jewish participants as a matter of strategic intent. In turn, this eventually gave Bormann’s organization considerable influence over Israel. Manning: “Since the founding of Israel, the Federal Republic of Germany had paid out 85.3 billion marks to survivors of the Holocaust, just through the end of 1977.”  From South America the Bormann organization has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of Bormann’s companies. Manning spoke to one Jewish businessman with Bormann money as his leverage: “He became more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked for his venture capital benefactors…this has taken place in many other instances across the Americas and demonstrates how Bormann’s people operate in the contemporary commercial world.”  So much emphasis was placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was captured and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Argentina. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, cutting off the flow of money to Israel.  It never happened again, and any pursuit of hunting Bormann was stopped at the request of these Jewish leaders. (Amazing! My question is who really runs Israel?!)

Manning states: “Bormann was in contact with American industrialists, Wall Street bankers and European bankers, who had helped finance the Nazi Party.”  From foreign exchange funds on deposit in Swiss banks and in Deutsche Sudamerikanische Bank (Buenos Aires branch of Deutsche Bank AG) large demand deposits were placed in the principal money-center banks of New York City.  Such deposits are interest-free, and the banks can invest the money as they wish, thus turning tidy profits for themselves. In return they provide reasonable services such as the purchase of stocks and transfer, or payment of money on demand by customers of Deutsche Bank.   Bormann always had a high regard for US blue chip stocks as a stable investment, consistently purchasing a vast number of shares from New York stock brokerage houses such as Merrill Lynch on behalf of the Reich Chancellery and Hitler. Paul Manning: “In 1941, investments in US corporations by German companies and assorted German individuals held voting ownership in 170 US companies; minority ownership was held in another 108 American companies. These businesses covered manufacturing, foodstuffs, chemicals, electrical, automobile, equipment and other metal products, petroleum production, refining and distribution pipelines, finance, trade, and miscellaneous.”  

Manning stated that “Over half of the total German capital in Switzerland was used in setting up holding companies representing IG Farben, Merck, Siemens AG, Henkel AG & Co., and others.”  “With funds accumulating rapidly in Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Argentina, Bormann used these corporations as cloaks for investing in American companies. They established new business names with little or no connections to the German parent companies.”  Manning states, “Powerful friends of the Bormann organization, including those sprinkled in control points throughout the administration in Washington D.C. and in the financial and brokerage businesses of Wall Street and the City of London gave Bormann the cover needed.” He added, “Nazi’s stolen gold was covertly sent to Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles at Sullivan and Cromwell.  They had it melted down, re-marked with fictitious prewar dates, and taken to the Federal Reserve, then it was invested in these 750 Nazi corporations, which together became one of the largest bases of Nazi economic power.”  Most of the corporations listed in Manning’s book still exist today.  The German investment in US corporations exceeded $5 billion in 1980, making Bormann’s economic structure a web of power and influence in America.  

The cozy relationship with powerful elements within the power elites of the Western Allies was foreseen by IG Farben’s Hermann Schmitz as boding well for the future. Schmitz told Bormann, “The occupation armies will be understanding in the West, but certainly not in the East…Germany will have a poor image problem this time, much worse than after the First World War…It can all be placed on the doorsteps of Goering, Himmler, and Heydrich, Himmler thought up the Final Solution and Heydrich made it a fact.”  Bormann asked, “Can IG be protected?”  Schmitz replied, “We produced the poison gas on Himmler’s orders so I’ve been making some corporate name changes in Basel, which will help our overseas situation.”  Bormann asked: “’What about your board of directors and the essential executives, if they are held by the occupation authorities can IG continue?”  “We have an operational plan for such a contingency…I don’t believe our board members will be detained too long, nor will I. But we must go through a procedure of investigation before release, as I have been informed by our NW 7 people (Farben’s intel agency) who have excellent contacts in Washington DC.”  Schmitz’s predictions were relatively accurate. He was arrested and charged at the IG Farben Trial in July of 1948, sentenced to four years imprisonment for war crimes and crimes against humanity, then released in 1950. He went on to become a member of the Administrators Council of Deutsche Bank in Berlin. None of the Farben executives were severely punished and the firm’s three successor firms carried on effectively in the postwar period, creating more front companies.

One banker termed the Bormann Flight Capital Program as the “world’s most important accumulation of money and power under one control in history. It controlled Germany’s major corporations, the Federal Republic itself, much of Latin America and wielded considerable influence inside Europe and America.”  Manning:  “The financial benefits for cooperation were very enticing, depending on one’s importance and ability to be of service to the Bormann organization.”  Flora Lewis, writing from Paris for the New York Times on August 28, 1972: “The characteristic secrecy surrounding the actions of German industrialists and bankers during the final months of the war was carried over into the postwar years when they began pulling back the skeins of economic wealth and power that stretched out from neutral nations throughout the entire world. It would not be possible to trace ownership of corporations and to the power structure…seems it functions through a maze of personal contacts and tacit understandings. They seem to be a fairly small group of people who know each other…many are not at all known to the public… They move in and out of government jobs…”

The economic and political component of a Third Reich underground–the Bormann organization–controls corporate Germany and much of the world today.  Paul Manning said, “The Bormann organization has the ultimate in clout and substance, and no one can tamper with it. They maintain effective control over the German economy that sits atop an organizational pyramid that dominates the industry of West Germany through banks, and voting rights enjoyed by majority shareholders in significant cartels. The Bormann group’s enormous security apparatus and influence has led to an effective cover-up for over seven decades. Had Bormann emerged, it would have been an embarrassment to those that helped with his escape, the industrial, financial and government leaders who benefited from his financial acumen and transferred Nazi capital to the businessmen of four continents that profited from the 750 corporations established as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and Europe.”  According to Manning, “Wealth continues to flow into the treasuries of its corporate entities in South America, the United States, and Europe.”

Vastly diversified, the Bormann’s heirs are the largest landowners in South America.  The Bormann leadership group of twenty board of directors was chaired by Bormann but power has shifted to the younger generation who carry on the initiative that grew from that historic meeting in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944.  Bormann achieved his aim of helping the Fatherland back on its feet, and well on its way to control the entire world. The success of Bormann’s Flight Capital program was the vehicle to the ‘Anonazi’s’ Fourth Reich. The Bormann group has perpetuated its power in an effective, clandestine, and Mafia-style fashion in the years since World War II. Thanks to Nazi supporters, Operation Paperclip, Heinrich Muller, Otto Skorzeny, The Gehlen Org and its relationship to the CIA, and with Allen Dulles, of course!   

Bormann represented secret power, and in our disheveled human condition we suspect that the trappings of democracy are more of a dangerous camouflage…that the real power is where the secrecy begins.  ~ William Stevenson “The Bormann Brotherhood”

The Madrid Circular Letter

The Madrid Circular is a document contained in a dispatch intercepted by the Allies in the early 1950s when it was en route from the underground Nazis’ German Geopolitical Center in Madrid, established in 1942 to plan for the postwar period if Germany was defeated. In 1950 the German Political Center circulated this lengthy and remarkable top secret document among its members, outlining geopolitical policies and goals for a group of highly connected people, a group referred to as the Nazi International. A kind of extra-territorial international Axis state comprised of elements of the militaries, intelligence apparatuses, propaganda priests and foreign ministries of the former Axis powers and their satellites. A crazy patchwork quilt of Japanese naval officers, German veterans from all service branches, members of Joachim von Rittentrop’s Foreign Ministry, the Nazi Party Chancellory, veterans from the Italian Fascist Party and it’s Regia Marino, Belgian Rexists, Dutch Nazis and Croatian Ustashi. The public face was represented by the former Nazi Propaganda Ministry official  Dr. Johann von Leers, and Luftwaffe ace pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudall, our friend and “Hitler’s favorite commando” SS Lt Col. Otto Skorzeny, along with his influential father-in-law Hjalmar Schacht, among others. 

This underground developed methodologies designed to reverse the outcomes of the defeats suffered by Germany in both world wars. The Nazi planners were thorough and patient. What united them was a common ideology and purpose. The ideology was power–raw and naked power–and a determination to oppose and ultimately defeat Communism, and then the West’s major power, the United States of America. To achieve that end they allied themselves with those within target blocs who shared their ideology of an international corporate socialism, of an international fascist order.  The Madrid Circular Letter is one single piece of documentary evidence, a manifesto of the Nazi government-in-exile, which shows the way in which the Nazi regime eventually got its tendrils into just about everything. It’s explosive contents are multi-faceted. The circular was first made available to the public in H.H. Tetens two books detailing the existence and activities of postwar Nazi Internaltional. Tetens’ first book, “Germany Plots with the Kremlin ” (1953), and his second, “The New Germany and the Old Nazis” (1961) are responsible for anything at all being known about the Madrid Circular. 

The Madrid Circular attributes the survival of Germany as a “conquered, split-apart nation, but a soon-to-be super re-industrialised and sovereign power”, entirely at the behest of a literal Nazi International.  It is dispersed around the world as a non-state actor, intelligence communities, sets of corporate, financial and legal structures.  All Nazi goals could gradually, by stealth, deception, and by infiltration of governments, quietly reorganize and reconstitute the greater German Reich; a fourth incarnation. As listed in the Madrid Circular, favored Nazi techniques to move forward their control over all of Europe, and eventually the world include: 

  1. Organize the functions of the state around cartel-like and trust-like corporate structures;
  2. Create a United Europe. This was the brainchild of the Nazi elite and of Washington DC. For the US, the idea was advanced as a bulwark against the Soviet bloc and as a mechanism for containment of German power. On the Nazi side, it was seen as an opportunity to achieve a European hegemony by political and economic, rather than military means; 
  3. Restoration of German dominance of Europe in three phases:  
  • In the short to intermediate term, a pro-Western orientation, during which a variety of small “false front” organizations, including political parties, would be used to advocate basic Nazi and Fascist goals within Europe, inclusive of the creation of the European federation itself;
  • In the intermediary phase, the build-up of German ties with Russia, China, SE Asia and Latin America, with the goal of expanding German and European trade with those regions, thus building up European and particularly German heavy industry and it’s military potential in a German-European “pivot to Asia”;   
  • In the final phase, the covert co-option of the US by an implied coup d’etat and engineered economic crises against “dollar diplomacy”, with a view of forcing a worldwide revolt against the US in a kind of War of the League of Cambria moment, and subsequently, after control over America is obtained, by utilizing American power for a final confrontation with the East in general and with Russia in particular;

All to be achieved by relying on:

  1. Nazi ties with the Muslim world to create destabilizing effects in the oil-rich Middle East, threatening the Anglo-American lifeline, utilizing jihad to do so, and; 
  2. German-American business contacts and relationships to challenge and overturn the Morgenthau Plan for the deindustrialization of postwar Germany, and break up the Anglo-American-Soviet wartime alliance and exacerbate East-West tensions in a “cold war”, creating maneuvering room for Germany.  

Cartels and Public-Private Partnerships

The circular describes how the Nazi leadership and German industrialists agreed to create a worldwide system of front companies and a system of corporate-Nazi party liasons to maintain a covert coordination of party and corporate interests and goals for postwar Germany and Europe. Best characterized as cartels and trusts, behind which lurks an unrecognized and unreformed Fascist ideology of the fusion of corporate and state power. It is that fusion of corporate and state power that was really behind the Morgenthau Plan–designed to stop it.  The Morgenthau Plan was the brainchild of President Franklin Roosevelt’s Secretary of Treasury during WWII, Henry Morgenthau, Jr.  For a few brief months during the final stages of WWII the Morgenthau Plan, before it was cancelled, became the official Allied policy for postwar Germany. The plan outlined how Germany would not only be occupied by Allied powers but broken into three or more states, totally separate from one another.  All of the divided German states were to be entirely de-industrialised to prevent the threat of any Naziesque movement ever regaining a foothold, enabling them to retake power in Europe.  While the Morgenthau Plan was little more than a memorandum for revenge it did have a rationale since those within the USG were fully aware that Germany’s war aims of both world wars was the creation of a Pan-European federation under German dominance and leadership, therefore under the dominance of the industrial capitalists of the Rhine.

The organization of the functions of the state around (and their integration in) cartel-like and trust-like corporate structures were the definite war aims of the Nazis and their cartel allies. As we saw from Bormann’s Flight Capital Program, the Nazis made it one of their chief aims to liaise and utilize the pro-Nazi sympathies of the American and European financial and corporate elite, a power structure that recognized their own Fascist ideology. The objective was to steer a careful course, a “third way”, between Western and Communist blocs until such a time as a “European Reich” could be created of sufficient economic power, with military support potential, that would be a counter balancing force between the two blocs, until such time as the rollback of the Communist bloc could be achieved. This “third way” was to be the finance-cartel capitalism and state capitalism that became the hallmark of Imperial Germany, and remained a fundamental structural feature of German domestic and international politics ever since. 

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), established in 1930, was conceived by Hjalmar Schacht as an independent sovereign entity, ostensibly to handle war reparations but functioned in practice, particularly during the war, as an international agent and clearinghouse for cartel interests. There are definitive indicators that the BIS functioned, and may still function, as the central and principal component of a hidden system of finance.  Given its sovereign status, the BIS is allowed diplomatic pouch immunities, and is in a position to launder bearer-securities of all types, as well as currencies, a function it performed during the war.  BIS was a key component of Nazi survival, and the Party’s strategic evacuation plans to move large amounts of capital out of Europe. The BIS functioned as a principal means to the continuation of wartime contact between German financial cartel elite on the one hand, with sympathetic American counterparts on the other, such as the Dulles-Bush-Harriman “axis” that ran through the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, via BIS’ wartime American president and Nazi stooge Thomas H. McKittrick.  

Given BIS’ ability to move physical paper such as agreements, securities, currencies and so on, via diplomatic pouch, the suggestion was advanced that digital, cashless societies might be a move of the financial power elite to maintain transparency of the public’s finances, while maintaining its own opacity to public scrutiny.  It was argued that a hidden system of finance would be dependent on the movement of physical paper through the system of diplomatic pouch immunity the BIS possesses. A hidden system based on bearer instruments and the movement of actual physical paper through this channel would be totally opaque to public oversight or national scrutiny, allowing the creation of a truly international system of hidden finance, one that could be utilized for funding black projects on an international scale. In such a system an institution like BIS would be essential. This may explain why BIS survived and outlived its ostensible purpose of handling interwar reparations payments and why it survives today and may be one instrument of the secret space program and other black budget projects (more in future report).

The most conspicuous sign of the nearing consolidation of power for a totalitarian government is the effective merger of corporate and state functionaries, with corporations and other organizations, acting as appendages of the government and enforcing corporate-state requirements. The indications of this merger are so many and sundry that any exhaustive recounting of them would entail a book-length examination.  Public-Private Partnerships, PPP or P3, is one favored consolidation, or cartel, of power. PPPs involve collaboration between a government agency and private-sector companies. The pattern of PPPs is that an increasing number of countries are enshrining them in their laws and legal structures. P3 critics warn of the secrecy surrounding their financial details, their higher costs and their unaccountability issues. Evidence of PPP performance in terms of value for money and efficiency, for example, is mixed and often unavailable. The Global Public–Private Partnership is even bigger. For example, the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) is considered a global public-private partnership. The WHO is financed through the UN by contributions from member states. In recent years, WHO’s work has involved more collaboration with NGOs and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as with foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The most conspicuous example of a corporate-state merger is the extension of governmental power to corporations or other organizations with response measures, which in this example we have now exceeded lockdowns and masking to include the issuance of vaccine passports that corporations, and other organizations, may enforce or are enforcing. The best hope for resisting these totalitarian measures is a refusal on the part of state and local governments to allow such corporate implementations of governmental dicta.


The Madrid Circular also instructed that Nazis were to be incorporated or surreptitiously maneuvered into power positions of influential governments. A resurgent Germany appears to have begun around the time when American lawyer, diplomat and presidential advisor John McCloy became the US High Commissioner for Germany on September 2, 1949. McCloy had already served as the President of the newly created World Bank from March 1947 to June 1949, and was a board member of IG Farben.  He was instrumental in the creation of the US Japanese internment camps, served on the government task force that built the Pentagon, and would later be part of the Warren Commission. The High Commission for Occupied Germany was established by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France to “regulate and supervise the development of the newly established Federal Republic of Germany”. As US High Commissioner, McCloy placed many of the 70,000 Nazi war criminals he had pardoned into the top positions of the US High Commission, thus somewhat recreating a Nazi regime in Germany. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s government was also filled with “ex-Nazis”.  Dr.Hans Globke became the Director of the Federal Chancellery and one of Adenauers National Security Advisors until his Nazi past caught with him. Globke had been a high ranking Nazi official and the head of the Office for Jewish Affairs, the office responsible for drafting Hitler’s notorious Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935.  While it was Nazi Interior Minister William Frick that was sentenced to hang by the Nuremberg Tribunal it was Globke who had drafted the text of the race law, and Globke had received personal, public commendation from Frick for his role in creating the law. Globke wrote the commentary that paved the way for the extermination of millions of human beings, and he worked closely with Adolf Eichman in implementing the Final Solution.  At one point his personal intervention sealed the fate and murder of 20,000 Jews. 

Dr. Gustav Adolf Sonnenhol became Sr. Advisor to Vice Chancellor Franz Blucher in the second Adenauer cabinet. Sonnenhol had been a member of the Hitler Youth, and joined the SA in 1930 and the NSDAP in 1931. In 1939 he was employed in the Reich Foreign Ministry, and was promoted to Obersturmführer in 1941. His old Nazi record didn’t keep him from being appointed to the Marshall Plan Ministry Aid Office, headed by Blucher.  Guess he had been exonerated by “denazification”.  Was his position in the Aid Office why the Bilderberg group was created–to secretly coordinate the movement of Axis loot into the western banking system to launder part of those funds back to Europe in the form of American aid?  It was in this position that a Sonnenhol memo directed the federal representative to “exploit the cold war and make sure that no agreement be made between the US and the Soviet Bloc”, as advocated in the Madrid Circular.  Our final example, Adenauer’s intelligence chief was, surprise, Reinhard Gehlen!  As we know, Gehlen had deep ties to the intelligence and pro-German business interests represented by Allen Dulles and his old cronies and Nazi supporters Averell Harriman, George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush, among many others like the Rockefellers. Gehlen also served under Adenauer’s successors, Ludwig Erhardt, Chancellor from 1963 until 1966, and Kurt Georg Kiesinger (1966 to 1969). These were not unique patterns in Adenauer’s governments, and it can be said to a certain extent that Adenauer’s Christian Democratic Party–the party of Chancellor Helmut Kohl and of Chancellor Angela Merkel, was the vehicle by which some former Nazis and pro-Nazis were mainstreamed into the government during the postwar years. With the presence of key Adenauer government members being “ex-Nazis” it is evident that Nazi International had influence on Bonn’s new government. The new Germany filled with old Nazis.

European Union

The idea of a politically, culturally and economically united Europe under a strong central authority is as old as the Roman Empire itself.  Notwithstanding the ultimately disastrous reforms of the Emperor Diocletian, the idea found its cultural and central authority expression, and even to some extent, its financial expression.  Later political and economic expression was found in Napoleon Bonaparte’s “Continental System” of alliances and the economic bloc he attempted to form from it.  A system that ultimately led to his disastrous invasion of Russia to enforce its stipulations, and to the final dissolution of French hopes to dominate the world. Somewhat before that, during the early revolutionary period, it also found partial expression in the plans and goals of the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt to overturn all “princes and priests” in an effort to return to the idea of a political simplicity, all under the illuminated Masonic guidance of an international Pan-European technocratic elite, dominated mostly by Germans. But nowhere did it find a more patient, consistent expression and detailed planning than in the politics of the German elites from the Kaiserreich of 1871-1918, through the Weimar period and throughout the entire era of the Nazi Third Reich, and into our own time. It is the consistency of this vision, both in breadth, depth and detail, that gives us pause, both to demonstrate that consistency and to expose the underlying geopolitical vision that the Madrid Circular informs us. 

The reality of contemporary European power-politics is that–like it or not–Germany is by far and away Europe’s largest single industrialized economy and population base. Every European power knows this, and has known it since the united Germany first announced itself on the world stage at the proclamation of the German Empire at Versailles in 1871, upon the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian War. It was then, and remains now, an uneasy symbiotic relationship between the rest of Europe and its premier power.  In short, to understand the European Union, one simply must understand the history of the German visions for its creation, and their plans for dominating it once it was formed.  The “hidden history” of the two world wars is really the history of the struggle for the European Union’s creation. Though it is not all that hidden if one bothers to search carefully.  The devils are always in the details, and in this case those corporate and economic devils are very illuminating.  

In the period between WWI and WWII, two powerful cartels, Fritz Thyssen’s Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works) and Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, better known as IG Farben, were formed.  Enter French Foreign Minister Robert Schumann’s plan to coordinate coal and steel production in a common market. Created in 1950 the European coal and steel community was the first plank on the way to the common market and later to the European Union. A cartel where the French hoped to be able to limit German industrial production, an attempt which was based on illusion. For the German leadership, a united Europe was simply the mechanism by which Germany could exercise world power. 

The united Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals, of which German oligarchs dreamt of under the Nazis is the same united Europe dreamt of by Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1949 to 1963. From 1946 to 1966, he was the first leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a Christian democratic party he co-founded, which under his leadership became the dominant force in Germany, and has exerted phenomenal control and influence over the corrupted Western powers in an infinitely amoral quest for totalitarian control. In the retrospective of history, the outcome of WWII did not modify nor affect those plans, it merely delayed them. The Germans achieved their goal of a united Europe.

Radicalized Islam

As outlined above, patterns also in evidence of the infiltration and influence over key governments are with the consistent and persistent use by the cartel elites of radical Islam. Weaponization of radical religion is a technique and program begun under Kaiser Wilhelm II during the first world war, and continued unabated under the Nazis. In this context the ”War on Terror” may end up being seen as a convenient way of disguising radicalized religious wars with Nazi International at the helm. The Nazis, and the Weimar Republic before, are in fact entirely responsible for the weaponization of Islamic Jihad, for the eventual use specifically against the Anglo-American interests. The Muslim Brotherhood was surreptitiously created to bring about upheavals, unrest and ultimatly help instigate World War Three. It is rather shocking when we realise that jihad, ‘holy war’ against certain ‘infidels’, is an almost entirely Nazi concept, root and branch. The tip of the spear may be Islamic insurgency or terrorism, but the shaft of that spear is Nazi International.

The idea of radicalized Islam goes all the way back to Kaiser Wilhelm II and to one of his close advisors, Max von Oppenheim.  In 1898 the Kaiser undertook his famous tour of the Middle East, stopping at the Sublime Porte to consult with the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, then on to Jerusalem to honor the famous Muslim military commander, Saladin, at his grave.  Finally, to Damascus for his famous but mostly forgotten speech to promote his pet project, the Berlin-to-Baghdad Railroad. This railroad would open markets and allow rapid transfer and projection of German military power and industrialization into the region, and earn profits from the emerging energy resources–all while challenging British power in the region. It was on this tour, during a speech that Wilhelm publicly proclaimed himself “the protector of over three hundred million Mohammedans.”   In doing so, he was following the conceptions of Baron von Oppoenheim, the noted Orientalist who viewed Islam as an untapped force for weaponization. He sought to aid in the creation of a Pan-Islamist movement to drastically weaken the European powers’ military effectiveness in the European theatre by forcing them to divert resources to crucial parts of their empires threatened by Muslim uprisings. 

The name of Max von Oppenheim is still well known as the discoverer of Tell Halaf, a rich treasure trove of ancient artifacts, some dating from prehistoric times, some from around 1,000 B.C., in Northern Syria.  Baron von Oppenheim was from the Jewish banking dynasty of the same name.  He converted to Catholicism in 1858 to marry into nobility. He abandoned a career in diplomacy to pursue Middle-East archaeological interests, where he earned the moniker of “The Kaiser’s Spy”.  Oppenheim was back in Berlin by the outbreak of World War One, back in the Foreign Ministry where he was tasked with the detailed preparation of a jihad campaign. He advocated new techniques of jihad by incorporating weaponized propaganda, guerilla tactics of terror cells, isolated assassinations and murder. Germany’s Oriental intelligence unit was filled with carefully chosen personnel, and tasked with stirring up the Muslim population of the French and British overseas possessions from North Africa to India. Max von Oppenheim was thinking boldly in terms of Germany’s bid for world dominance. He conceived and proposed, to the Imperial German government, a comprehensive and complete plan for the Orient based on inciting revolutions. In his view the Islamic region was capable of playing an important role in Germany’s war against England during WWI.  At the end of October 1914 he presented his 136 page “Memorandum Concerning the Revolutionizing of the Islamic Territories of Our Enemy”.  The last lines of his memorandum: “For England especially the intervention of Islam in the present war is a fearful blow. Let us do everything in our power, let us use all possible means to make it a fatal one!”  As one scholar noted: “What Oppenheim had in mind in the 1914 memorandum was not simply delivering a shattering military blow to knock out the enemy’s fighting capabilities but a larger political strategy, ultimately, the destruction of the British Empire and the replacement of Britain as a world power by Germany.” 

Oppenheim’s proposal called for a joint German-Turkish campaign in which Muslims would be incited to jihad, with the aim of weakening the enemy.  The Germans would run the campaign with money while the Ottomans would proclaim it and implement it militarily. This detailed plan found public expression in Wilhelm’s desire to foment “the whole Mohammedan world in a wild revolt against the British”. It was Oppenheim’s friendship with the Grand Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, of Jerusalem and the Sultan that would make such a policy feasible. The Kaiser gave the memo his approval, and on November 14, 1914, on the Sultan’s decree the Holy War was declared. The sultan stated that jihad was the personal duty of every Muslim, and threatened all Muslims who fought against the allied Ottomans, Germans, and Austro-Hungarians with the punishment of Hell. All criticism fell on deaf ears.  

In 1940, Oppenheim was still around and still committed to pushing his goal he had formulated in 1914. One month after the fall of France, on July 25 1940, Oppenheim submitted another memo on policy in the Middle East to Theodor Habicht, a former leader of the Nazi Party in Austria and Under-Secretary of State at the the Foreign Office in Berlin.  Though its general aims were similar to those of his 1914 detailed memo, the 1940 edition was much shorter and it took into account the changed situation of 1940. There was no reference to jihad because Germany’s ally, Italy and potential ally Vichy France, had many Muslim subjects in their colonial territories. All the Mufti’s demands were met in Oppenheim’s new memo, down to the chilling proposal that of the 400,000 Jews in Palestine (a fair number were refugees from Nazi Germany), only those who had been resident there before World War I (about 60,000) should be allowed to remain. Oppenheim did not indicate what the fate of those to be removed would be. He obviously felt less compunction to be clear on the subject than the Mufti had been in his testimony to the Peel Commission on January 12 1937, declaring vehement opposition to any partition of Arab lands with the Jews and demanding full cessation of Jewish immigration.       

By late 1940, whether independently or under the influence of Franz von Papen and Fritz Grobba, Joachim Ribbentrop began to take a greater interest in how the situation in the Middle East might be exploited to Germany’s advantage by using weaponized propaganda. Von Papen had already agreed that the Abwehr, under Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, should engage more actively in intelligence-gathering in the Arab lands. Canaris had dispatched one of his deep undercover agents, Alfred Roser, to Damascus in the early fall of 1940 to set up a spy ring and to contact anti-British groups in Palestine. Ribbentrop proposed and encouraged that propaganda be “vigorously carried out by radio broadcasts in Arabic, by exerting influence on Arab newspapers and magazines, by cultivating relations with Arab personalities and by doing something conspicuous from time to time.”  The clandestine propaganda communicated keyword slogans which did not take long to reappear throughout the country in the form of demands, riots and outcries of the Muslims. The effect of all this activity was multiplied by a journey through Syria undertaken on July 25 1940 by Werner von Hentig and Alfred Roser, in the course of which they presented their films and openly proclaimed the coming of the “German Era”. In Damascus, Tripoli, Lattaquieh, Aleppo, and even beyond the Euphrates, they carried out a round of visits with an air of officialdom. Soon the superiority of the French was questioned.  Finally the Muslims were being compared to the chosen race, the German race, “which deserves to rule”.  

On April 6, 1941, before America entered the War, the New York Times featured an alarming report of von Hentig’s above activities in Syria.  The article claimed three Germans were responsible for the Nazi agitation in Syria and for plotting a coup d’état in Iraq:  “Herr von Hentig, a specialist in agitation in the Orient, Dr. Fritz Grobba, the German Minister to Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and Max von Oppenheim, a distinguished archaeologist and acute propagandist.”  The article read: “Herr von Hentig devoted himself exclusively to stirring up unrest. He warned wealthy Syrians that Syria would soon come under German domination and that those who had not lined up with the Germans would go to a concentration camp.”  To the poor and ignorant Arabs, he portrayed Adolf Hitler as the protector of Islam, sent by Allah to aid the devout, saying “The British intend to divide Syria between a Jewish Palestine and Turkey.”  This had considerable success among the simpler Arabs, who were dazzled by promises of a vast German-protected Arab kingdom. “Herr von Henntig also organized sabotage and assassination gangs and introduced a number of German Oriental agents to the country, where they still remain.” “Given the Arabs’ dislike of the English and of the Italians, it would be easy for us to attain a position of influence in a Greater Arab empire…the difficulties arise from considerations relating to other powers.” (Italy, France, Turkey, and the Soviet Union.)  Von Hentig succeeded in penetrating illegally into Iraq and stirring up trouble there, and setting the stage for the coup d’état. He envisaged the convocation of an Islamic congress in Damascus; he encouraged the formation of youth groups based on the German Youth Movement model; he agitated the extremists against the English and advised them to get together with the Iraqi Futuwwah movement.” 

How Persa became Iran is also part of the long-term German economic and geopolitical interests. This can be traced back to Oppenheim’s influence on the formation of long range German policy under the Kaiser, a policy that continued under Hitler with little or no change. The Kaiser had succeeded in getting himself proclaimed by traditional Shiites as “Hajj Wilhelm Muhammed”, and was branded a hero to the struggle against Persia’s arch enemies, Russia and Great Britain. Two decades later, Shiite clerics rediscovered their passion for the Germans and Hitler was deemed Muhammed’s successor and the Shiite Messiah. The especially close relations of the Nazi period reverberate to this day. (Something I didn’t know, the name change to Iran is Farsi for Aryan.)

These modernized notions of jihad made its way into the thinking of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, and they are still with us today. More Muslim political groups have been created to overthrow various politicians of their time. Our old friends Reinhard Gehlen and Otto Skorzeny organized what initially started as a small rebellious military cell, the Free Officers Movement, a clandestine movement of junior officers operating during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. At the behest of the CIA, the Free Officers were later sent to Egypt to organize and instigate the overthrow of Egyptian King Farouk and the Muhammad Ali Dynasty in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. Nazi International aided and abetted the new Egytian regime of Gamal Abdel Nasser, and used the CIA/Gehlen Org to manipulate more Islamic terror networks for future uprisings, regime changes and covert operations that remain today. 

We’ve seen the Muslim “refugees” invade Europe.  Over the past few years we have seen a resurgence of illegal immigrants flooding America’s southern border. They are not only Latin Americans but Muslim extremists hidden in the mix. We hear from our “leaders” that they are just poor migrants, not terrorists, yet there are reports of Islamic “sleeper” outposts having been established all across America. Aside from the simple fact that terrorists, refugees, or insurgents, or “migrants” and their twisted ideology have seeped into every nook and cranny of the West and into governments, aside from the fact that they think they are supported by an invisible elite, they will one day be eradicated. The Nazis fostered an Islamic connection for generations, but those who are useful to them today will cease to exist once they accomplish the ultimate Nazi goal. What will become of all those Islamic “migrants” who are inconveniently consuming resources the Aryan “elite” believe are theirs? They will be rounded up, imprisoned and executed. They will have served their purpose. Their continued existence will be unsavoury to the goals of the emerging Aryan empire. 

Final Thoughts

Eighty years of Nazi infiltration into governments, militaries, education, the sciences, the courts, corporations, foundations, and almost everything else, started with Operation Paperclip before the war had even ended, when the Third Reich was cleverly brought to America. Wernher von Braun had been highly instrumental in the creation of NASA, and he was responsible for Nazi war criminal Walter Dornberger being hired by NASA. Dornberger was not a rocket scientist but an administrator, managing operations at Peenemünde Army Research Centre. Foundationally, Dornberger set up NASA exactly like Peenemünde. Then there’s the unbelievable deal Reinhard Gehlen made with Allen Dulles to leave his Nazi military intelligence units in place, gain USG funding, and roll his intelligence agents into the newly created CIA. The Nazi military intelligence became the CIA. The CIA was the brainchild of Dulles’ Wall Street bankers and lawyers. The covert goals were never intended by President Truman: a protectorate force for the hidden elite; covert operations dictated by the elite; propaganda campaigns to influence the masses; regime changes for the elites’ benefit. All while being disguised as an “overseas intelligence agency”. The whole issue of the Nazi International was, and is, an open secret in the world of intelligence circles. Gehlen was also instrumental in creating the National Security Act, when the massive corruption and coverups began on a grand scale. A rogue element network has been loose ever since and has only grown larger and stronger, as the US intelligence organizations work in conjunction with the world’s other intel agencies. They all report to the elite through the Committee of 300, an all-powerful group, that knows no national boundaries, are above the laws of all countries, a group answerable to no one but its own hierarchy.  

The Council on Forign Relations receives the Committee of 300’s dictates and passes them on to the CIA and the other intelligence agencies of the world.  Then they all work together to instigate the regime changes and assassinations the elite believe are needed to further their goals. 

Does Nazi International still exist? Carefully and quietly, some form of a hidden hand has maneuvered us into the beginnings of a global government. We have observed the cultural decimation of the West, with the entire world coming under the rule of a technocratic elite, the powerful Davos crowd, who use their political puppets to bring about a slow, yet highly effective, totalitarian tiptoe toward a complete and all-encompassing one world government. It apears the Nazi ideology has raised its head again with ethnological, sociological, ideological and theological issues. “Papers please!” are now being insisted upon. “Brown Shirts” run amok, arresting and killing children and “women in yoga pants”.  The cities are burning and being gutted, and statues are being torn down.  Our wealth is being “redistributed”, bringing about a worldwide economic crash, along with a digital global currency. Our “Right to Assembly” is being denied. We willingly wear conformity muzzles, while consuming the Goebbels-perfected fear campaign mantras. We are gagged as information is censored, as books are burned, or scrubbed, and free speech has gone by the wayside. Children are not educated but indoctrinated. The United States Constitution has been ripped apart.  Have we been conquered by a multi-headed-hydra, an axis of ‘Great Resetters’, without even noticing? 

Who wants a one world government? Obviously the Nazis. Add the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the Technocrats and AshkeNazi Zionists, the Queen, the Jesuits and the Black Nobility. A cartel of psychopaths that have a lot in common. They are liars and masters of manipulation. Their CIA-corporate media “programs” us, and their newly created “fact checkers” mind control–what I believe is their most dangerous stealth weapon! They have been playing all kinds of nasty games behind the curtain. They divide us against each other–a favoured game. Secret genocide is another, as our food and water are tainted, and toxins rain down from the sky, poisoning the very air we breathe, while they signal “we’re here to help…take the vax…we love you so much”.  Do you not realize that you were “fearfully and wonderfully made”? (Psalm 139:14) They have grown rich doing dirty deeds, and they rule the world, not the president, not the magistrate nor the chancellor, all puppets. The one percent instigate the mayhem to gain their goals. The ONE percent rule the world. How did that happen? There is evil power behind them. They belong to secret societies and they worship Lucifer. Soon they will enthrone him atop their pyramid to rule the world, but only for a little while. A VERY ugly, evil game they must play to appease him is stealing 8 million kids per year for their secret satanic rituals. The innocents are drugged, raped, tortured and terrorized, cannibalized and ritually sacrificed to Lucifer. This is the repulsive truth and how the real world has always operated, just well hidden until now. And all nations participate.  They’re showing their hand through media and satanic “drag queen story hour”, which too many parents endorse!  When the world willingly sacrifices its own offspring, with 13.5 million abortions so far this year, perhaps it is time.  Our feet have already crossed the threshold. Study Revelations, but fear not, fear no-thing. The Bible reminds us 365 times to Have No Fear. We would all do well to remember that in the coming days, and put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).  

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~ Ephesians 6:12


Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, by Paul Manning

Martin Bormann, by James McGovern

Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich, by Ladislas Farago  

The Bormann Brotherhood, William Stevenson

Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler’s Escape from Berlin, by Harry Cooper

Reich of The Black Sun, by Dr Joseph P Farrell

The Nazi International, The Nazis’ Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict, by Dr Joseph P Farrell

The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism, by Joseph P. Farrell

Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, by Joseph P. Farrell  

Hidden Finance, Rogue Nations, By Joseph P. Farrell  

Germany Plots with the Kremlin, by H.H. Tetens

The New Germany and the Old Nazis, by H.H. Tetens 

Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law, by James Q. Whitman

Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World, by Nicholas Shaxson

Mind of Adolf Hitler, by Walter C. Langer 

Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler

Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, by Peter Levenda and Norman Mailer

Other sources

The Red House Report  

Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich

The Fourth Reich: Gehlen, Skorzeny and Bormann

Nazi Fascism and the Master Plan for World Government  

Hitler’s Plans for a New World Order After His Victory in WW2

Adolf Hitler: Flight of Grey Wolf

The Madrid Circular; A European Mandate for Geo-Political Nazi Ascendancy & Tensions Escalation

The Sinister Face Of ‘Neutrality’ | FRONTLINE

The Passion of Max Von Oppenheim

Operation Eagle’s Flight’ or ‘Aktion Adlerflug’- NAZI command over industrial financial institutions forefront of world economic leadership  


Tony Gosling : The Nazis were never defeated

The Bormann Organization (Podcast)

How the United States Lost the Second World War

Nazi International and the Bell – Joseph Farrell 2018


Joseph P Farrell & Peter Levenda talk about the Nazi International


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