The Gehlen Org; The Dulles Brothers; The JFK Assassination

The Gehlen Org

He’s on our side and that’s all that matters  ~Allen Dulles of Nazi Lt-General Reinhard Gehlen

In March of 1945, the spring festival honouring St. Joseph was held on the piazza of Ascona, Switzerland. Despite the war large crowds were attending this celebration, and at the same time secret meetings were underway in this charming fishing village.  Allen Dulles led the undisclosed negotiations from February to May, 1945 in what would become known as Operation Sunrise.  The intent of the meetings was aimed at forging a separate peace between Germany and the western Allies. Dulles was in charge of the OSS station attached to the American embassy in Bern, Switzerland from November 1942 onward, which he used as a base for launching clandestine operations and for protecting his Sullivan & Cromwell clients’ investments.  

Among others, Dulles was holding the negotiations with SS General Karl Wolf, Heinrich Himmler’s principal Supreme SS and Police Leader in occupied Italy, one of the most sensitive posts within the Nazi regime.  Wolff had played an active role in the administrative approval of diabolical medical experiments that included Hubertus Strughold’s high altitude, low pressure experiments, and was later proven to be complicit in the murder of 300,000 concentration camp prisoners. Eric Lichtblau in Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in US, tells how Dulles saved Wolff from a Nuremberg Trial hanging: “It is certain that Wolff’s involvement in the medical experiments on concentration camp inmates represented a crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Charter.” (War Crimes and Legal Immunities.)  Wolff and his forces were under consideration to help Dulles implement Operation Unthinkable, a secret plan to invade the Soviet Union which Winston Churchill advocated during this period.  During the Operation Sunrise meetings, Allen Dulles made a verbal agreement to protect General Wolff. On April 26, Wolff was captured by Italian partisans, but was rescued by Dulles and Swiss intelligence.  

Operation Sunrise led to heated communication between Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt.  Roosevelt denied that there were any negotiations for surrender taking place in Switzerland. On March 12 US Ambassador to the USSR, Averell Harriman, notified Soviet Ambassador Vyacheslav Molotov of the possibility of General Wolff’s arrival in Lugano to conduct negotiations on the German army’s surrender in Italy. Molotov replied that the Soviet government would have no objection to the talks, provided that representatives of the Soviet Military Command would be included.  On March 16 Harriman informed the Soviets that their representatives would not be allowed to take part in the negotiations. Prime Minister Winston Churchill was following the discussion closely, and said he believed that “misunderstandings” with the Soviets were resolved with Roosevelt’s death on April 12. President Harry Truman officially closed down the talks with the Germans in Switzerland in May, and made sure that a Russian general was represented at the talks in Caserta, Italy which finalized the surrender of the entire force.  Nonetheless, fallout from the incident seems to have discouraged full Soviet participation in the founding United Nations conference later that month.

Even prior to the secret meetings, the US-Soviet alliance had grown cold with wariness on both sides. Tensions increased with Operation Sunrise, and Harriman’s hopes of installing a democratic government in Poland continued to be thwarted by Stalin. Harriman’s long held fear was that Stalin would install more “spheres of influence” or layers of friendly nations bordering Russia, to be controlled by the Red Army. Operation Sunrise put several important negotiations with Russia at a dead-end. Eventually, Harriman’s top advisor and one of the foreign policy members known as “The Wise Men”, George Keenan, suggested the US should install an intelligence agency in Eastern Europe.  

Dulles and Harriman had been in constant contact throughout the war, and they were receiving intel on high-level Nazis wanting to surrender to the US. A plan was hatched to establish a spy network within the OSS that could wage clandestine campaigns against the Soviet Union, and obtain covert intelligence for the US government.  Dulles vetted these Nazis, and after further discussions with Harriman and Keenan, Reinhard Gehlen won the top spot for the new spy agency’s leadership role.  It didn’t take long for Ambassador Harriman to receive approval from unknown officials of the British and American governments. To this day, nothing reveals who approved what is known as OPERATION GEHLEN. So who else knew about the secret operation?  It’s obvious that Army General Dwight D. Eisenhower, an Allen Dulles ally, and the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, had to know.  As far as Dulles was concerned, General Donovan would feel duty-bound to inform President Roosevelt, and that would be the end of the secret, and most likely the end of their new spy network. When Roosevelt died, Vice President Truman had only met with him twice after their inauguration, and had yet to be alone with him.  In the very first days of Truman’s presidency, both Allen Dulles and General Donovan met privately with Truman, and this was most likely when Truman was made aware of Operation Gehlen. Despite the Yalta Treaty requiring the US to hand over to the Soviets all captured German officers, the plan moved forward. 

Meanwhile, in mid-July 1945,Truman met with Stalin in Potsdam, near Berlin. He informed the Russian dictator of his secret weapon, the atomic bomb. When Stalin showed no surprise, Truman decided this confirmed what General Donovan had told him; that J. Edgar Hoover had been unable to keep Russian spies out of the Manhattan Project. Truman ordered General Marshall to shut off all aid to the Soviet Union, immediately. Then on August 6, 1945, the US obliterated Hiroshima with the “secret” atomic bomb. Three days later, a second atomic bomb devastated Nagasaki. On September 2, 1945, a formal surrender ceremony was performed in Tokyo Bay, Japan, aboard the battleship USS Missouri.  World War Two was finally over.

The head of Hitler’s intelligence was the brilliant Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) who had served as Hitler’s German lieutenant-general and intelligence officer.  He was chief of the Wehrmacht Foreign Armies East military intelligence service on the eastern front, and oversaw all German military intelligence operations in Eastern Europe and the USSR. In his deal with Dulles, he would turn over all of his intelligence and assets in return for his freedom and protection. The agreement included Soviet spies who had infiltrated the Manhattan Project and the Abwehr agents inside the Kremlin.  In exchange, Dulles would place Gehlen, his officers and their families, who faced certain torture and death at the hands of the Soviets, under American protection and USG employment. Gehlen’s files were dug up and many of his men were released from the POW camps. Within days, the OSS, with the assistance of the Vatican, began moving many of “the Gehlens” to Argentina. Others were placed in a heavily guarded OSS compound at Kloster Grünau, a former monastery in Schollbrunn, Bavaria, which had been provided by the Vatican. It’s doubtful that these actions could have happened without Truman’s knowledge and approval.  The Gehlen Organization or Gehlen Org (often referred to as ‘The Org’) was established by the CIA in March of 1945, though Wikipedia states the date as June of 1946. 

Reinhard Gehlen

Upon his arrival in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1945, Gehlen met extensively with President Tryman, Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner.  The objective of their brain-storming sessions was to reorganize the USG’s intelligence system into a highly-efficient covert organization hidden from public scrutiny.  Gehlen gained profound influence in helping to create the National Security Council, from which the National Security Act of 1947 was born. The culmination of their efforts produced the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) in 1946.  Lawrence Houston, head counsel of the CIG was principal draftsman of the National Security Act of 1947, which dissolved the CIG and formed the Central Intelligence Agency, both established on September 18, 1947.

In 1949 Houston helped draft the Central Intelligence Agency Act, which authorized the agency to use confidential procedures, and exempted it from limitations on the use of Federal funds. It also allowed the CIA to hide its “functions, officials, titles and salaries”. This created the PL-110, the CIA’s defector resettlement program, granting entry into the US of “essential aliens” who fell outside normal immigration procedure; high-level defectors and spies.

Gehlen had returned to Germany to re-establish his intelligence network, with the mandate to resume spying on the East in serving the USG.  Based near Munich, Gehlen led secret espionage activities and proceeded to enlist more ex-Wehrmacht and SS intelligence officers, helping thousands of Nazi fugitives come to work for his agency. To renovate the image of Nazi criminals, they became anti-communist crusaders. Even the vilest of the vile, the senior bureaucrats who ran the central administrative apparatus of the Holocaust were welcome, including Schutzstaffel (SS) officer Alois Brunner, who had been Adolf Eichmann’s chief deputy, and SS major Emil Augsburg. The Org also hired SS Captain Klaus Barbie, “the Butcher of Lyon”, who was responsible for the widespread use of torture, and the deportation of children to Auschwitz.  Historians estimate Barbie bears direct responsibility for the deaths of up to 14,000 people.  While working for The Org, Barbie assisted a succession of military regimes where he taught soldiers severe torture techniques. 

The Org spies played the double-agent game, feeding disinformation to both sides of the East-West conflict, and preying upon the mutual suspicions that emerged from the rubble of Hitler’s Germany.  Spies within The Org made the CIA a hotbed of Nazi agents working both sides which intensified and continued the Cold War, which helped expand the ever growing military industrial complex. Gehlen and his assets frequently passed on incorrect and exaggerated information about the Soviet threat in order to exacerbate tensions between the superpowers, ensuring their continued employment and safety. When the CIA desired an off-the-shelf style of nation tampering, they turned to the readily available The Org agents, which served as a subcontracting syndicate for a series of ill-fated guerrilla air drops behind the Iron Curtain. At one point Gehlen succeeded in convincing General Lucius Clay, military governor of the US zone, that a major Soviet war mobilization had begun in Eastern Europe.  This prompted General Clay to dash off a frantic, top-secret telegram to D.C. in March of 1948, warning that war “may come with dramatic suddenness.”  Gehlen’s disinformation strategy was based on a simple premise: the colder the cold war got the more political space Hitler’s heirs had to maneuver.  

The CIA had laid itself open to manipulation by the foreign intelligence service it was responsible for creating. There were reports of “moles” within The Org which undermined its credibility.  The Nazi old boy network nesting inside the CIA enabled the USSR to penetrate West Germany’s secret service by blackmailing numerous agents.  Ironically, some of the agents in The Org would go on to head up CIA stations around the world, and played leading roles in neofascist organizations that detest America. The Org helped instigate false flag operations to move along the Reunification in March of 1990.  One of the consequences of the CIA alliance with The Org is evident in the resurgent fascist movements that can trace their ideological lineage back to Hitler’s Reich. The Org would subsequently emerge as “security advisors” in several Middle Eastern and Latin American countries, where ultra-right-wing death squads persist as the CIA’s enduring legacy.  Allen Dulles made a horrible decision when he started Gehlen’s Org.

An article by Sefton Delmer, senior correspondent for London’s Daily Express exposed the Gehlen Org on August 10, 1954.  Delmer wrote that “Gehlen and his Nazis are coming” implying that a continuation of nothing less than Hitler’s aims was at hand through The Org’s “monstrous underground”.  Once The Org emerged in the public eye, Gehlen and his Nazi spies drew vast criticism from both the West and the East.  The Org had to be revamped and moved out of the US.  John McCloy (ex-US High Commissioner of the US Zone in Germany) and Allen Dulles helped recreate the spy organization, placing it under the German Chancellor’s Office as the Bundesnachrichtendienst, or “BND”, handing it over to the Federal Republic of Germany under Konrad Adenauer.  Gehlen served as the first president of the new organization from April 1, 1956 until 1968. It still exists today.  Gehlen retired in 1968 and received a pension from the CIA and one from West Germany.  Over the course of two decades, Gehlen meticulously documented and collected everything and placed it under wraps in a private archive when he retired, thus ensuring its secrecy even after his death.  Recently over 100,000 pages of those documents were released.

The USG, the State Department and OSS/CIA were all silent about recruiting Nazi spies and war criminals in launching The Org until more than half a century after the fact. In October of 2000, the CIA filed an affidavit in a FOIA case acknowledging their secret intelligence relationship with Reinhard Gehlen. The CIA pledged that it would declassify the CIA and Army intelligence documents in accordance with the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act. The information shows that US officials knew they were employing numerous Third Reich veterans who had committed horrific crimes against humanity.  Nazis who would otherwise have been charged with war crimes, and enter prison were instead hidden and paid large salaries by the unsuspecting American taxpayers.  This trove of now declassified documents confirm just one more secret of WWII. The Interagency Working Group (IWG) released 18,000 pages of the redacted CIA materials, and said, “The Third Reich veterans often proved adept at peddling much false data, in return for cash.”   Adding, “Many Nazi criminals received light punishment, no punishment, or they received compensation because the USG considered them useful assets in the cold war”. (Links in Sources below.) Allen Dulles maintained that in the name of fighting communism the end would always justify the means. The decision to hire Nazi spies had major negative repercussions on US-Soviet relations and set the stage for D.C.’s tolerance of human rights abuses and criminal acts in the name of “anti-communism”, “anti-terrorism”, etc.  What followed under Dulles’ leadership were many unaccountable CIA projects that had to remain secret, or had to be spun with propaganda. Openly secret budgets began in 1949 with the passage of the Central Intelligence Agency Act. With that fateful sub-rosa embrace, the die was cast for a litany of taxpayer funded antidemocratic interventions around the world, which continue to this day. 

The DULLES Brothers

John Foster Dulles (February 25, 1888 – May 24, 1959) was Secretary of State during the Cold War period, while his brother, Allen Dulles (April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969), was “THE spymaster” and Director of the CIA between 1953 and 1961.  Wearing dual hats as lawyers for the prestigious Wall Street law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell, and as “public servants,” the Dulles brothers were among the most influential Illuminati “agenturs” in American history.  John Foster worked as attorney for J.P. Morgan and his conglomerates, and Foster was a founding member of the CFR in 1921. Similarly, his brother Allen was the CFR’s director in 1927.  The Dulles brothers were key architects in the construction of what we now refer to as “The Deep State”; the permanent state behind the visible government.

After their Princeton education, John Foster Dulles began his career with the Sullivan & Cromwell international legal firm, which is just one example of the revolving door between the US government and the private sector.  Sullivan & Cromwell bred Senators, Ambassadors and a Supreme Court Justice. Some of those partners sat on the boards of their clients’ multinational corporations, even on the boards of clients in Nazi Germany.  Many see-sawed from public service, back and forth, to their private sector positions.  Other powerful firms of this era were Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, the law firm that hired Frank Wisner right out of college in 1934 as a Wall Street lawyer. Wisner was one of the architects of the CIA and played a major role in Agency operations throughout the 1950s.  C. Douglas Dillon (son of co-founder Clarence Dillon) was chairman of the Dillon Read & Co and became the US Undersecretary of State and Ambassador to France under Dwight Eisenhower, and later served as US Secretary of the Treasury.  This Wall Street investment bank was another highly influential firm that produced D.C.’s powerful political inner circle. The last example is the Donovan and Leisure firm, founded in 1929 by General William “Wild Bill” Donovan, who was often referenced as the “Father of the CIA”.  They all helped facilitate domestic programs falling under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, and foreign policy, among others treasonous actions.  Allen Dulles personally intervened to ensure the escape from prosecution of major German bankers, industrialists, physicians and Nazi war criminals, that were complicit in the use of slave labor and exterminations.  While serving Sullivan and Cromwell and the USG the Dulles brothers made fortunes off slave labor, as did their American and European business partners.

Corporate and international lawyers have played a huge role in shaping the past 150 years of world government and global business. Sullivan & Cromwell is perhaps the most infamous example. It oversaw the birth of the multinational corporation and conspired to launch coups in third world countries before there was a CIA.  This law firm was a key player in the build up of the German war machine. At least two of Sullivan Cromwell’s partners committed treason. The law firm’s most notorious partners were John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, the most influential director of the CIA.  There are many outrageous accounts of both Dulles brothers, from skimming funds from the Marshall Plan to President Kennedy’s assassination.  

The Dulles brothers and high ranking officials in the USG had the highest regard for the Nazi elite whose research and achievements were in war technologies, racial hygiene, torture, mind control and genocide. They personified a cadre of Ivy League pragmatic elitists in high echelons who greatly admired Nazi ideals. 

Both brothers went on to wield far greater power than most elected officials ever have. The Dulles brothers represented the nuclear power industry and helped form the Atomic Energy Commission, later becoming the Department of Energy, one of America’s most influential USG departments. Despite all the propaganda about freedom and democracy, American foreign and domestic policy have long been about serving the business interests of multinational corporations of the elite. Like the Dulles brothers, many of the bankers, industrialists and international lawyers were members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.  This is all about the power elite, the corporate executives, government leaders, and top military industries; those who control the entire earth–the criminals that run our world. They protect corporate interests across the globe and they foment revolutions and wars, and order assassinations on those who get in their way. 

The most secret knowledge, a science which out-dates history, is the science of control over people, governments and civilizations. The foundation of this is the control of wealth. Through the control of wealth comes the control of public information and the control of necessities of life. Through the control of the media comes thought control, a favorite of Allen Dulles. Through the control of basic necessities comes direct control of people, a favorite of John Foster Dulles. 

John Foster Dulles

Somehow we find it hard to sell our values, namely that the rich should plunder the poor. ~ John Foster Dulles 

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson appointed John Foster as legal counsel to the US delegation to the Versailles Peace Conference.  How did this happen?  In a word, young Dulles had ‘connections’.  When he was just 16, he entered Princeton where he soon became a protégé of a prominent history professor, Woodrow Wilson, and his uncle was Secretary of State Robert Lansing.  John Foster idolized Wilson, under whom he learned the virtues of globalism.  The single most important segment of the Versailles Treaty was the creation of the League of Nations, the first step to one world government. The Covenant was aimed to promote the idea as the foundation for global government.  In 1945, John Foster Dulles participated in the San Francisco Conference as an adviser to Arthur H. Vandenberg, and helped draft the preamble to the United Nations Charter. He attended the United Nations General Assembly as a delegate in 1946, 1947 and 1950.  

John Foster had played a major role in designing the Dawes Plan of 1924, which helped Germany begin to pay off World War One reparations. Ironic though, since it was John Foster who had drafted the section of the Versailles Treaty imposing those reparations. From the Versailles Treaty, the defeated German government was required to pay war reparations in gold to the Allies, but Germany had very little gold.  To solve the problem, Germany borrowed the gold from Sullivan & Cromwell clients in America.  Nearly 70 percent of the gold that flowed into Germany came from US investors, most from Sullivan & Cromwell clients, like Rockefeller and DuPont. This opened up huge new markets for American banks by having American firms lend money to German states and private German industries. The Dulles brothers brokered $900 million in loans to Germany ($2 billion today).  They also floated the first American bonds to Germany’s chemical powerhouse IG Farben and the giant German steelmaker and arms manufacturer Krupp A.G.

During the period between the world wars John Foster’s legal practice became truly global by devoting himself most assiduously to Germany. John Foster was even a board member of IG Farben.  John Dulles continued his financial dealings inside Germany after the National Socialists came to power under Adolf Hitler.  Both brothers made substantial, personal contributions to the Nazi Party as the price of continued influence inside the new German order. Hjalmar Schacht was appointed as the minister of economics in the new regime.  As Kinzer writes in The Brothers, “Working with Schacht, Foster helped the National Socialist state find rich sources of financing in the United States for its public agencies, banks, and industries.” These international lawyers were servants of wealthy “robber barons”, with clients that included oil cartels, shipping companies, railroads and big investment banks who have been robbing the public for decades. The Dulles brothers were lawyers for the Rockefeller, Morgan, DuPont and Bush families, and worked closely with Averell Harriman, Ambassador to Russia.  

In 1933, the Dulles brothers attended important meetings in Germany where Hjalmar Schacht and Fritz Thyssen, among other major German industrialists, agreed to back Hitler’s bid for power in exchange for Hitler’s pledge to break the German unions and change labor policies. Conferences that were officially among bankers and industrialists, but were in fact closely guided by the Ger­man and American governments. John Foster negotiated this astounding deal with his economist friend, Hjalmar Schacht, whereby all German trade and transport with the US would be coordinated through a syndicate of 150 German-approved American firms and individuals. Schacht was also the co-founder of the German Democratic Party, and served Adolf Hitler as President of the powerful Reichsbank.  With the Dulles brothers’ help in circumventing US government policies and regulations, these American businessmen invested heavily in Germany.  This American cabal was headed by Averell Harriman and his associates, George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush (more in future report). The Dulles brothers gained lifelong ties to financial interests in Germany, and the brothers were the strongest link to these American investors. These businessmen were also responsible for developing American front companies for the Nazis to launder money and transport and distribute their illegally obtained gold. 

By 1952, the Democratic Party’s long dominance of the American presidency was coming to an end. Facing problems of communist infiltration in the government, government corruption, and the continuing war in Korea, it appeared that the Republicans had a good chance to win. In a closely fought battle for the Republican nomination, General Dwight Eisenhower defeated Robert Taft.  Eisenhower fulfilled Dulles’ long-time dream by naming him secretary of state.  Despite his tough anti-communist pronouncements, Foster never lost sight of his ultimate goal of a world government. And nothing, including the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights, would be allowed to stop it.

John Foster Dulles was an avid champion of Truman’s request that the Senate ratify the treaty creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949. NATO was sold to the US Senate, and to the public, as a necessary military alliance to keep the Soviet Union out of Western Europe. Under Article 5 of the Treaty, the US “agree[d] that an armed attack against any NATO member nation shall be considered an attack against them all.”  This incredible provision obligates the US to go to war if ANY NATO member is attacked, in contravention of the US Constitution, which assigns to Congress the power to declare war.  But NATO is not just a military alliance, it is political as well. Dulles candidly told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the treaty should be ratified “not as a military instrument but as a step in a political evolution that has behind it a long and honorable history, and before it a great and peaceful future.”  Article 2 of the Treaty confirms Dulles’ contention that NATO is more than a military alliance.  It states that the parties “will encourage economic collaboration between any and all of them.”  Dulles’ fellow globalist friend Clarence Streit had written a book in 1939, “Union Now”, in which he recommended the creation of regional groupings with the eventual goal of putting them together into a functioning world government.  Not surprisingly, Streit formed the Atlantic Union Committee to push NATO as a regional government working “within the framework of the United Nations.”  Articles 51 and 52 of the UN Charter encourages the formation of regional groupings; i.e. European Union.

In 1952, Dulles told the American Bar Association, “The treaty making power is an extraordinary power, liable to abuse. Treaties make international law and also they make domestic law. Under our Constitution, treaties become the supreme law of the land.”  “They are indeed more supreme than ordinary laws, for congressional laws are invalid if they do not conform to the Constitution, whereas treaty laws can override the Constitution.”  A closer reading of the Constitution reveals this is actually untrue. The “authority of the United States” is the Constitution itself. Like any other law a treaty must conform to the US Constitution.  Senator John Bricker was concerned that the USG was imposing “socialism by treaty,” and called upon Eisenhower and John Foster for their support of an amendment to the Constitution that would make clear that a treaty “could not override the Constitution.”  He even cited Dulles’ ABA speech to enhance his case in his speech before the Senate. 

Dulles and Eisenhower, however, vehemently opposed the Bricker Amendment, promising that their administration would never abuse the treaty-making power.  After all, the American people could trust Eisenhower’s administration to never abuse the treaty process in such a way.   Even if that were true, Dulles did not address what future administrations might male the attempt.  With their opposition, the Bricker Amendment failed in the Senate.  

Alger Hiss was an American government official accused in 1948 of having spied on the US for the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Statutes of limitations had expired for espionage, but in 1940 he was convicted of perjury in connection with this charge. Before his trial, Hiss was also involved in the establishment of the United Nations, both as a US State Department official and as a UN official.  So impressed was John Foster Dulles with Alger Hiss that when Dulles became chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, he asked Hiss to serve as the group’s president. Two weeks after Hiss’s selection as president, in a letter dated December 23, 1946, Detroit lawyer, Larry Davidow, wrote Dulles to warn him that Hiss was a communist: “The information… comes to me from reliable individuals in Washington.”  No doubt realizing that just asserting that a person of Hiss’s standing was a communist was not enough to convince Dulles he added, “If you are interested in becoming more familiar with this situation, Washington friends of mine will be glad to arrange to have you meet with one or more persons who know the situation and will disclose it to you in full confidence.” Dulles’ response:  “I have heard of the reports which you refer to, but I am confident that there is no reason to doubt Mr. Hiss complete loyalty to our American institutions. I have been in intimate contact with him in San Francisco… and Washington and I doubt that the people you refer to know him any better than I do.”  He concluded that he was “skeptical about information which seems inconsistent with all that I personally know.”  Less than a week later, Alfred Kohlberg, an anti-communist businessman, personally visited Dulles to alert him about Hiss. After Kohlberg shared similar concerns, Dulles waved off the warning, and apparently Dulles did not see any reason to conduct his own investigation.  The ultimate “deep stater” Dulles did more damage to America while masquerading as a conservative Republica and anti communist than Gus Hall, the long-time head of the American Communist Party, could have imagined. 

As Eisenhower’s chief foreign policy advisor, his influence was immense.  From the time Dulles wrote the “war guilt clause” into the Treaty of Versailles, to the time his actions aided the conquest of Cuba by a communist tyrant, John Foster brought great damage to his own country, and to much of the world.  Dulles chose to support communist Fidel Castro to replace Batista, and impose a communist dictatorship on an island only 90 miles from our shores.  From his negative influence at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, until his death in 1959, Dulles continued to create policies that damaged America. He left behind a legacy that would plague Americans for years to come. Dulles’ advice to Eisenhower was consistent with the views he held as a young lawyer. He was an ardent globalist who believed military intervention was justified to achieve the eventual global world order.  And while Dulles occasionally peppered his résumé with conservative, anti-communist rhetoric, it was all for temporary political cover until he could achieve another step closer to what he and others like him most wanted: A one world socialist government.

Allen Dulles

An intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy.  ~Allen Dulles

Allen Dulles’ favorite word was whether one was “useful” to him or not.  The “cryptocracy” (‘rule by secrecy’) of military intelligence implements the plans of the world’s financial Sabbatean Illuminati elite, which is generally to the detriment of the American and world citizenry, unless the citizen is useful.  The consortium of criminal conspirators, of whom Allen Dulles was a key operative for half a century, is now thoroughly exposed in books, articles, declassified documents and the Internet.  Allen Dulles’ career reveals crimes of the global cabal that he served.  Ongoing research about the minds of people in power has been done for many decades, and it seems that from bankers to military leaders, to politicians to CEOS, all appear on some point of the psychopathic spectrum. Viewing Allen Dulles from this standpoint he was a psychopath. The kind of man that could send people to their death, even people he was supposedly fond of.  

After his Princeton graduation, Allen Dulles entered the US diplomatic service in 1916 and was initially assigned to Vienna, then transferred to Bern, Switzerland, shortly before the US entered the first World War.  In 1926, he earned a law degree from George Washington University Law School and took a job at Sullivan & Cromwell, the New York firm where his brother, John Foster Dulles, was a partner. He became a director of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1927, the first new director since the Council’s founding in 1921. He was the Council’s secretary from 1933 to 1944.  During the late 1920s and early 1930s, he served as legal adviser to the delegations on arms limitation at the League of Nations, where he met with world’s leaders including Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Maxim Litvinov.  During WWII, in Switzerland, he worked as a spy and to protect his clients’ business investments. Allen was an outspoken interventionist, running unsuccessfully in 1938 for the Republican nomination in New York’s Sixteenth Congressional District, on a platform calling for the strengthening of US defense, no doubt to funnel more tax dollars to his military industrial clients’ who offered him generous kick-backs. 

Allen Dulles was the first civilian director of the CIA, from 1953-1961. Frank Wisner and Allen Dulles were key engineers of the CIA and the National Security Act of 1947, created to hide the illegal acts of the CIA. The first responsibility of the CIA Charter is to protect CIA operations from public view. This secretive national security apparatus functions as an autonomous branch of the US government. The CIA is above the law. Some researchers believe that Allen Dulles’ first impetus for the National Security Act was to hide his and brother John Foster’s treason.  Allen Dulles was a traitor, guilty of a multitude of secret, nefarious actions. In the early Spring in 1945, President Roosevelt had planned to charge him with treason, but died before he could do so.

After the war, Allen and John Foster Dulles helped smuggle Nazis into this country who were mind control experts. The Rockefeller Foundation had provided funding in Nazi mind control research performed by Dr.Mengele and others for the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, and in the prison camps.  As head of the CIA, Allen Dulles ran Operation MKUltra mind control programs that he was so fond of.  Launched by Allen Dulles, with a $300,000 budget this “Manhattan Project of the Mind” would grow into a multimillion-dollar program, enlisting dozens of leading universities and hospitals as well as hundreds of prominent researchers in studies that violated the Nuremberg Code and ethical standards; viewing their human subjects as “expendables”.  Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner established the drug and rock music counterculture for further mind control research. Dulles dreamed of taking Nazi mind craft to a new technological level.  He wanted to create “bio-machines” who would obey and act on command, even against their own will. Secret CIA activities in the 1950s and 1960s included horrifying experiments in “de-patterning” programs under the direction of the “esteemed” Dr. Ewen Cameron of Canada.  Dulles was particularly keen on finding out if LSD could be used to program zombielike saboteurs and assassins. He incessantly grilled the CIA’s top drug expert, Sidney Gottlieb, asking if LSD could be used to make “selected individuals commit acts of substantial sabotage or acts of violence, including murder”.  The CIA was subjecting non-consenting Americans to the Nazi brain perversion techniques, using prisoners, mental patients, children and other “expendables.” in these merciless programs.  

During the 1952 presidential race, Dulles proved his loyalty to the Eisenhower-Nixon campaign by channeling funds to the Republican ticket through CIA front companies, and by leaking embarrassing intelligence reports to the media about the Truman administration’s handling of the Korean War.  These were flagrant violations of the CIA Charter that forbids agency involvement in domestic affairs. According to President Truman, the CIA was never intended to function as an operational arm of US policy, nor to conduct operations within the US.  The CIA threw a lot of laundered money around, bribed officials, and added new tricks to its repertoire over the years such as extortion, black mail, radio jamming, false flag operations, severe torture, hit lists, kidnappings, assassinations, and arming of drug gangs.  Under Dulles’ leadership, deadly, covert and lawless operations were executed with complete disregard for moral and legal proscriptions, not to mention the human costs.

At the time of the Guatemalan coup in 1953, the CIA had a “disposal list” of fifty-eight key Guatemalan leaders marked for assassination and wrote the “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation” manual in 1963, describing in detail how to perform extreme torture, made public in 1997. Moreover, Allen Dulles had no qualms about advocating the murder of foreign leaders, and even presented a plan to General Walter Bedell Smith, in early 1952, to kill Stalin at a Paris summit meeting, which Smith firmly rejected. After being fired by President Kennedy in 1961, Dulles’ conspiracies continued and established the CIA agency’s lack of moral compass we see today. The CIA has grown more powerful and less accountable with each passing year.  

A hard look at the history of the secret intelligence agencies that emerged after WWII, where the military and intelligence communities can demand and readily receive incomprehensible budgets that fund Wall Street’s military industrial and technological mega corporations is very much a legacy of Allen Dulles.  From World War II up into the 60s was the key period when the national security state was built and where it began to overshadow the American democracy of the US Constitution.  We now see the elements that arose out of the same corrupt and morally bankrupt secret government.  A hidden government that helped Nazi war criminals escape justice, and brought down multiple foreign democracies is showing us that now Americans and our republic are the enemy and at risk.  

Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner and Richard Helms were the grand spymasters. If you were in a room with them, I believe you’d know you were in a room of people that would deservedly end up in hell.  

John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

“I’m convinced that John Kennedy was assassinated largely by Allan Dulles whom he cashiered (fired) as the head of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs, and a coterie of joint chiefs of staff, FBI, even some Secret Service folks… ~ Ray McGovern, former CIA Officer

From the beginning of President John F. Kennedy’s Administration, Allen Dulles was keeping secrets from his new boss. He never told Kennedy about Patrice Lumumba’s CIA sponsored assassination, even though Dulles briefed the new president about the Congo situation.  President Kennedy had to hear the news second hand from UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson.  

No episode better illustrates Allen Dulles’ separate agenda than his agency’s planning and execution of the  Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April of 1961. Evidence exists that shows Dulles set up the operation to fail in order to force the young president’s hand to bomb the island, then send in the Marines. This was planned so the CIA could retrieve valuable properties and resources.  Surprising Dulles was Kennedy’s resolve to stand by his earlier warnings that there would be no direct US air strikes and no Marines landing in Cuba:  “They were sure I’d give in to them,” Kennedy later told special assistant Dave Powers.  “They couldn’t believe that a new president like me wouldn’t panic and try to save his own face, well they had me figured all wrong.”  Indeed, they had because President Kennedy then fired Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General Richard Cabell, after the botched Bay of Pigs fiasco, which Dulles had assured Kennedy would unfold in a similar fashion as the successful 1954 Guatemalan coup.   

In the 2018 book, “The Skorzen Papers: Evidence for the Plot to Kill JFK”, the author and US Navy Intelligence Major Ralph Ganis claimed that John F. Kennedy was murdered by Nazi agents.  The evidence revealed that Otto Skorzeny gradually and methodically became involved in US intelligence and covert ops while working for the CIA.  Ganis claimed he had proof that SS commander Skorzeny was recruited by Allen Dulles to put together the Kennedy kill squad.  Ganis said the “scar-faced SS chief was recruited and paid by the CIA through a series of companies including an oil firm and CIA front companies”.  “I did not start out researching the Kennedy assassination, I started my new book as a piece on Otto Skorzeny, but after I spent tens of thousands of dollars buying a set of Skorzeny’s personal papers at an auction in Europe, I realized they showed that he had been paid by the CIA to arrange the team that killed the president.”  The Skorzeny Papers reveal the intriguing web of secret organizations and people linked to the events culminating in the assassination of President Kennedy.  Ganis believes that although Skorzeny did not actually pull the trigger, his expertise and Gehlen’s assets were used by the CIA in the murder.  Ganis believes that Kennedy was killed in a Illuminati-run hit to stop Kennedy from splitting up the CIA and halting or reducing defense spending. Historian Hank Albarelli Jr., whose book “Coup in Dallas”, says he believes that at least three teams of shooters were put together to kill President Kennedy, led by Nazi agents. 

Others speculate that Kennedy was killed due to an agreement made with Nikita Khruschev to mutually share secret space technology. In May 1961, President Kennedy had announced that he believed the US should commit to landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Until that point, the Soviets had led space exploration, achieving the first satellite launch, the first animal into orbit, and the first man in space. A FOIA release by the CIA shows two letters that Kennedy wrote to Allen Dulles requesting the release of the “secret UFO and alien presence” files.  The second letter, dated November 12, 1963, demanded these “top secret” files be turned over to him–just 10 days before his murder.  

When you read the books, delve deeper and start connecting dots from the various sources, you begin to see a hidden global reach of an underworld of unaccountable authority and horrific deeds. For whatever reason President Kennedy was murdered, one doesn’t need to wear a tin foil hat to grasp the consequences of allowing unaccountable power to spread its tentacles throughout the world.  Even the most energetic post-World War II attempt to rein it in was as effective as trying to lasso mist.  Prior to his murder, JFK had fired Allen Dulles, and threatened to “split the CIA into a thousand pieces”. Kennedy had also planned to end J. Edgar Hoover’s career too. Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson subsequently granted Hoover directorship of the FBI–for life!  Kennedy was not allowed to live long enough to accomplish what was perhaps the most crucial failed goals for our nation.  

Allen Dulles was appointed to the Warren Commission, charged with “investigating” the murder of a president that Dulles neither liked nor respected.  There were no Kennedy allies on the Warren Commission, in fact all appointees on the Warren Commision had bitter feelings toward JFK, and they were all Freemasons, which was infiltrated long ago by the Sabbatean Frankists of the Illuminati. The Masonic elements can not be overlooked in the murder case of John Kennedy.  Especially with Sabbateans behind most every major conspiracy throughout history. Keep in mind the numbers 13 and 33, the obelisk, the pyramid, and the all-seeing eye; all cherished Freemasonic numbers and symbols. Take a look at where JFK was shot, Dealey Plaza; the person that Dealey Plaza was named for was George B. Dealey, a 33rd degree Freemason; the Dealey Plaza obelisk has 13 segments; Dealey Plaza is shaped in the form of a pyramid; JFK was shot at the apex of the eye of the pyramid (see the reverse side of a one dollar bill).  Dallas is located just south of the 33rd latitude. The members of the Warren Commission were appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson, a Freemason.  The commission was led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, a past Grandmaster of Freemasonry.  Allen Dulles, a 33rd degree Mason and a Knights Templar held an influential position on the commission, as did J. Edgar Hoover, a 33rd degree Mason. In fact all members of the Warren Commission were Masons except for Thomas Hale Boggs, Congressman of Louisiana. The person who filmed the most famous film of the murder was Abraham Zapruder, a 32nd degree Mason who also had ties to the CIA.  

Allen Dulles’ role in the official government whitewash of the Kennedy assassination cannot be overstated.  He was so influential in directing the aims and outcomes of the Warren Commission’s “investigation” that it should be more correctly called the Dulles Commission. Hoover controlled the physical evidence and Allen Dulles was in a pivotal spot to guide inquiries and witnesses away from any hint of the intelligence agencies’ concoction of Lee Harvey Oswald‘s guilt. The fact that Dulles was anywhere near this official investigation, and the fact that J. Edgar Hoover controlled the evidence used for this preconceived guilty verdict of Oswald, takes on new importance and requires a radical reevaluation of this whole sordid, and very sad case of history. Meanwhile, a transcript of a January 27, 1964 meeting reveals Allen Dulles rather nonchalantly informed the Commissioners that both Hoover and CIA Director John McCone “should be expected to lie to the Commission to protect the identity of their operations and undercover agents.”  Hence, the evidence would be fixed to fit the outcome that was articulated before the Commission even called its first witness. The Commission operated on the same old “trust us” level we hear whenever our government lies to us.

Rep. Hale Boggs became increasingly disturbed by the lack of transparency exhibited by the Commission members and started questioning their words, “evidence” and actions.  He became convinced that many of the documents used to incriminate Oswald were forgeries, and that other evidence was being left out.  In 1965 Boggs told New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison that Oswald could not have been the one who shot Kennedy.  One piece of evidence collected by the Dallas Police Dept. was the negative nitrate test that proved Oswald never shot a rifle the day of Nov 22nd, 1963.  This would have exonerated Oswald.  This fact was kept secret for 10 months until it was finally revealed in the Warren Report. Boggs encouraged Garrison to begin the prosecution of the President’s murder–the only law enforcement prosecution to this day.  Sadly, Boggs was aboard a twin engine Cessna 310 with Representative Nick Begich of Alaska when it disappeared without a trace during a flight from Anchorage to Juneau on Oct. 16, 1972.  

In Garrison’s 1988 book On the Trail of the Assassins, J. Edgar Hoover comes up several times as impeding or shutting down the investigations.  Another damning incident was concerning the Zapruder film that was in the possession of the FBI. During the Garrison trial, the Zapruder film was subpoenaed and a “copy” was provided by the FBI. This was the first time in more than five years that the film was made public. The film was one of the leading pieces of evidence used to support the “magic bullet theory” and showcased the direction of the headshot coming from behind, thus verifying that “Oswald’s location was adequate for such a shot”.  When Garrison finally got ahold of the original film he discovered that the head shot had actually come from the front. Turns out the copy had two critical frames reversed to create the false impression that the shot came from behind. In fact, what the film showed was that the president had been shot from multiple angles meaning there was more than one gunman.  When the FBI was questioned about how these two critical frames could have been reversed they answered, self-satisfactorily, that it “must have been a technical glitch”.  

It was later learned that over 20 witnesses had died within a month of President Kennedy’s murder.  To obfuscate these deaths and thwart contrary narratives to their “lone gunman” promotion, Dulles created the term “Conspiracy Theory” specifically for this case, which has morphed into the “advanced weapon” used today.  Lee Harvey Oswald, was himself a CIA operative that became the patsy who was murdered by another CIA asset Jack Ruby on November 24, 1963.  The American public was given a non-adversarial process of a commission made up of paid “public servants” that ran counter to the norms of American jurisprudence, which clearly formed a preordained conclusion that Oswald had “acted alone” with a “magic bullet” killing the president.  The official narrative of the Kennedy assassination has only grown more inconceivable over time.  

There are those who continue to attempt to discredit the work of Jim Garrison for his “crime” of challenging the absurd official narrative of the Warren Commission.  However, anyone who bothers to read the Warren Commission report would discover it to be a tangled mess of mass contradictions, fallacies and outright fabrications. Not only an absurd sham but ultimately an unimaginable conspiracy of the most discreditable cover-up in American history.  Among a few others, James Douglass’s superb book, “JFK and the Unspeakable”, offers a much deeper understanding of the “crime of the century” than the “investigative journalists” have parroted for seven decades. The American media establishment–the great CIA lapdog–not the watchdog that most believe it to be, could not be relied upon to expose this monumental crime and following cover up. This CIA-created media sprung from the early years of the cold war, under the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird; what we see today with much more sophisticated techniques of predictive programming and Artificial Intelligence.  A CIA controlled corporate media that shows the effectiveness of the CIA’s weaponized mind control programs used 24/7. A media of propaganda created by Allen Dulles.

The Dulles brothers, as key members of the Sabbatean Illuminati cabal, committed countless acts of treason against the US Constitution and the American people. This pattern continues today as the intelligence agencies and military become increasingly unregulated. There’s a thread here between Allen Dulles up through people like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld–who was sitting at Allen Dulles’ knee early on. I was fascinated to find that there was a lot of correspondence between young Rumsfeld and Allen Dulles, who Rumsfeld looked up to for guidance as a young politician. To research these types of people is an exploration of a well-organized, criminal pathology.  America is being undone, thanks to decades of covert actions, cover ups and flat out lies by these psychopaths. The biggest threat to American freedom is not from without but from within.  A conspiracy, perhaps?

“There exists in this country a plot to enslave every man woman and child.  Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”  ~ President John F. Kennedy  (Murdered 7 days after this speech)

Allen Dulles, the Princeton man and white shoe international lawyer was largely responsible for importing Nazi war criminals to America, and for creating the CIA, died on January 29, 1969.

This brief synopsis of Allen Dulles is taken from various forms of research and arranged chronologically. It is lengthy, yet no doubt incomplete:

Family affiliations:

1) Allen & John Dulles were cousins and in-laws to the Rockefellers

2) The Dulles family intermarried with Prevosts and Mallets of Switzerland, who, along with the British Royal            Family, were European spymasters for centuries

3) The Dulles brothers were nephews of Secretary of State Robert Lansing

4) Dulles’ relatives (Prevosts or Mallets) brought Scottish Rite of Freemasonry to America

5) The Dulles family were strong supporters of eugenics and mind control movements and programs

Jobs, assignments, and accomplishments:

1) Appointed by President Woodrow Wilson and Col. Edward Mandell House as an American State Department delegate at Paris Peace Conference (1918).

2) Co-signer of Treaty of Versailles (along with President Woodrow Wilson, Col. Edward M. House, Thomas Lamont, Paul Warburg, John Foster Dulles, Walter Lippman, and Christian Herter, in the American delegation)

3) Co-founder of Council on Foreign Relations (with Col. House, W. Lippman, C. Herter and others on July 29, 1921), as well as CFR director, secretary, and president

4) Co-author of League of Nations charter (with W. Lippman, C. Herter and others)

5) 1920: Appointed First Secretary of the American Embassy in Berlin, Germany

6) 1922-26: Chief of the Near East Division of the Department of State, where he was head of American intelligence in Switzerland.

7) 1927: Director of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

8) 1933-34: Secretary of Council on Foreign Relations

9) Director of and lawyer for Sullivan & Cromwell law firm

10) Director of and lawyer for Standard Oil of New Jersey

11) Director of and lawyer for J. Henry Schroder Bank, Rockefeller and Co. Bank, I.G. Farben

12) Lawyer for Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (Dutch bank)

13) Attorney for Brown Brothers Harriman and Union Banking Corporation

14) Intelligence and covert operations chief of Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

15) 1940: OSS Chief of Secret Intelligence in Europe, stationed in Berne, Switzerland

16) 1942, staff of the Office of Coordinator of Information (OCI),

17) Leader of CFR War and Peace Studies Group

18) Allen W. Dulles appointed as Deputy Director for Plans in January, 1951. He was responsible for supervising both OPC (Office of Policy Coordination) and OSO (Office of Special Operations).

19) In August 1952, OPC and OSO merged to become the DDP (Directorate of Plans) and Dulles became Deputy Director of the CIA in charge of clandestine collection and covert action.

20) In 1952, Dulles co-founded Banque Commerciale Arabe in Lausanne, Switzerland, representing a pact between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood, which is comprised of Saudi royal family members. The bank was co-founded by a longtime British intelligence agent, Benoist Mechin, a protégé of Jack Philby.

21) In February 1953, Dulles became first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and served as DCIA between 1953 and 1961.

22) Helped provide safe haven for over 100,000 Nazi criminals in the U.S. and the Americas.

23) Organized Planning Coordination Group, which came to be called the “Special Group.” In this capacity, his authority over policy was second only to the president himself. (Actually, Dulles exercised much more power than the President). The “Special Group,” included CIA Director Allen Dulles, Undersecretary of State Herbert Hoover, Jr., and Undersecretary of Defense Roger Kyes, and was chaired by Nelson Rockefeller.

24) Created, with Rockefellers, Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology at Stanford, that channeled funds for mind control research

Affiliations and partnerships:

1) Member of (British Rothschild-agent) Cecil Rhodes’ Round Table Group

2) Fabian Socialist

3) 33rd Degree Freemason and Knight Templar

4) Vatican Knight of Malta

5) Founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations

6) Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation

7) Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

8) Director of the J. Henry Schroeder bank in London

9) Director of (Rothschild-affiliated) Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

10) Attorney and Director of Sullivan & Cromwell, top Wall Street law firm, whose clients included:

a. Standard Oil of New Jersey (Rockefeller)

b. I.G. Farben (powerful German chemical cartel that financed Hitler)

c. Schroeder Bank

d. General Motors of Germany

e. Du Pont family

11) As a member of MI6, had intimate pre- and post-World War II intelligence ties with British (MI6), German Nazis, Austria, Switzerland, etc.

12) Legal and corporate ties to Nazis through American and German corporate clients;

a. created extensive pre-World War II Nazi-American business networks (Rockefeller-Harriman-Bush-Dulles network in concert with British and German corporate interests, I.G. Farben, etc.)

b. involved with extensive post-World War II Nazi-American business networks with Martin Bormann

13) CIA’s James Jesus Angleton, personal friend of Dulles, was Vatican liaison and key figure in creation of Isreali Mossad. Dulles had working relationship with Vatican, Mossad and the Muslim Brotherhood

14) As spymaster, worked with both the Vatican and Freemasons, Italy’s P-2 Lodge in Operation Gladio


K: … Behind the Real Cold War (Gehlen Org), by Dick Bauch 

The Service: The Memoirs of General, by Reinhard Gehlen

Blowback, on America’s recruitment of the Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy, by Christopher Simpson

A Law unto Itself: The Untold Story of the Law Firm Sullivan & Cromwell, by Nancy Lisagor & Frank Lipsius

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, by Antony C. Sutton

The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963,

by Michael Swanson

The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies In Control of the United States and the World, by Fletcher Prouty

The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, by David Talbot 

The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War, by Stephen Kinzer

The Actor, by Alan Stang 

Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, by Stephen Kinzer 

Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, by Stephen Kinzer 

The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century, by Glen Yeadon & John Hawkins 

The Skorzen Papers: Evidence for the Plot to Kill JFK, by Ralph Ganis 

JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, by Fletcher Prouty

Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House, by Peter Dale Scott 

Assassination of John F. Kennedy Encyclopedia, by John Simkin  

On the Trail of the Assassins, by Jim Garrison

JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia, by Greg Poulgrain

JFK and the Unspeakable, by James Douglas 

Coup in Dallas, by Hank Albarelli Jr. 

Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids, by Jim Marrs

Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies, by F. Tupper Saussy

The Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection, by David L. Carrico

The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History, by A. Ralph Epperson 

The Splendid Blond Beast: Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century, by Christopher Simpson

The Biggest Secret, by David Icke

Other Sources

World War II Database-Reinhard Gehlen

Secret Justice Dept. Report-How US Helped Nazis

Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S

Pivotal Role of Allen Dulles in Shielding Nazi War criminals

Gehlen-Reinhard-CIA file Vol 1

How former Nazi official Reinhard Gehlen erected a state within a state in post-war Germany

Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s Favorite Spy Who Used CIA Resources To Free Nazi War Criminals

Bred to Power: The Dulles Brothers

Sullivan & Cromwell: The Dulles Brothers, Corporate Power and the Birth of the CIA


The CIA’s Worst-Kept Secret: Newly Declassified Files Confirm United States Collaboration with Nazis

John Foster Dulles: How This Early “Deep-Stater” Harmed America

Allen Dulles: America’s Greatest Spymaster and Traitor; Illuminati Agentur  

Allen Dulles Under the Harsh Light of History, OPERATION SUNRISE: The Secret Surrender-OPERATION SUNRISE

Brain Warfare – Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

You Think the NSA Is Bad? Meet Former CIA Director Allen Dulles 

Allen Dulles and the Deep State

Allen Dulles, the Nazis, and the CIA

Shadow Government-Rockefeller

The Assassination of JFK

Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal 

Declassified records & IWG website:  and declassified docs and


Talks between Wolff and DULLES: did the allies betray the Soviet Union

Forgotten History of the Dulles Brothers

The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Their Secret World War

Inside Allan Dulles’ Reign as CIA Director, from ’54 Guatemala Coup to Plotting Castro’s Overthrow

Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control

Agent Oswald The CIA Patsy


CIA killed JFK to hide “the Alien Presence”